Bayley: Breaking Walls! (18+)

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A little while ago I planed to make a story on the Role Model but thanks to SuperSaiyan4Life, he's made it extremely awkward and strange for me to do so, it won't make sense to you lot but he know's what he's done. Either way, I did try as he asked me to, but every time I tried to start it, I'd get nowhere with it. So this is basically the Highlights of what that story would have been. Enjoy... Oh, and it's taking place back in 2017... Well, the start will anyway. You'll understand as the Chapter goes, Take Care!


It's just another day in the life of Bayley, the cheery, giddy Hugger of WWE, she's just finished her part for Smackdown and made her way back to the Women's Locker room but before she did, she was stopped by her best friend Sasha Banks.

Sasha: Hey, Bay. You okay. *Boom! I'ma Poet!*

She asked getting her attention, Bayley nodded to her but really, she wasn't, all her friends have that special someone but she doesn't, she has no one and it's starting to get her down a little.

Bayley: Yeah, just tired.

Sasha clearly didn't believe her but before she could ask, her boyfriend Duncan Blake came up behind her and lifted her up, spinning her, while hugging her midsection, Sasha laughed it off as the WWE Champion, Logan Kenway walked from behind the big guy.

Logan: Geez, you can scream.

Logan complained while pretending to get the sound back into his ear, Duncan dropped Sasha back to the floor as he turned to his friend and current Rival for the WWE Title.

Duncan: You have no idea...

Logan and Bayley let out little disgusted whines as Sasha hit his chest, telling him off, Duncan just shrugged it off though, the guy's near 6'5 and a few hundred pounds of pure strength a little slap from a little women isn't gonna effect him.

Duncan: ... Anyway, what you complaining about. We heard you and Miss Bliss making noise...

It was now Logan's turn to hit him, this time actually affecting the big guy, Logan had to jump slightly but he caught him on the back of his head making a small slap noise echo in the hall, Bayley and Sasha started to laugh as Logan ran from Duncan, it was easy for Logan to get away though, his much smaller frame was able to use it's speed and agility to get away, it took a while but Duncan eventually gave up.

Duncan: ... Ah, screw you. I'll get you later.

Logan chuckled and was breathing heavily a little bit but not as much as Duncan who eventually made his way back towards the girls, Logan though just stood there and spread his arms out wide.

Logan: And that's why the women love me.

Logan held a cocky smile on his face till Duncan turned and started walking backwards, still towards Bayley and Sasha, this time though he has a smile on his face, Logan wasn't able to ask why because he heard a voice behind him.

Alexa: You mean woman. Right?

Logan's smile dropped and so did his arms, the WWE title around his waist, he won it about 100 days ago now thanks to his new Alpha Character, that and also the hype around Social Media about his and Alexa's relationship, the fans love the Alpha with the Goddess, which is why Alexa is the Smackdown Women's Champion.

Logan: There's a pissed Alexa behind me right?

Logan asked and they nodded to him, she wants pissed but she is standing with her arms crossed and that killer look in her eyes, Logan loves it but not in this sorta situation, so with the others watching Logan tried to think fast, luckily he's good at that.

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