Riott Squad: Let's Riot! (Part - 1)(18+)

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I was gonna make this into a story but opted against it, instead I'ma give you a Trilogy here on this story, if enough people enjoy it then I'll consider turning it into it's own story! It'll also take place in 2018! Enjoy! 


It's Saturday Night and The Riott Squad is looking to support their friend and his hobby, it is a hobby as well because he wants to make it to the top in WWE but Vince isn't letting him, Y/n can be easily one of the best in WWE but Vince doesn't like highflyers, it's why Y/n's only won two titles in his WWE career, the NXT Cruiserweight Championship and the NXT Tag Titles with his brother, B/n *Brother's Name*, B/n saw that he wasn't getting the support from the WWE and jumped ship a year ago, he started his own business and now has a family of his own.

Leaving WWE was the best thing B/n has ever done in his life, now he get's to focus on his family and the bands music, that's right, Y/n and B/n are two of the four members in the band, the other two are, Duncan Blake *SuperSaiyan4Life*, a giant man with the heart of gold, he's the lead singer, and Chris Johnson *MartinGraf98*, another big guy with the heart of a saint, he's the Bass player, Y/n is on guitar and B/n hits away at the drums.

Y/n never thought he'd be in a band but when his friend Duncan, asked him to step in for the guitarist who walked out back in '13, Y/n enjoyed it, then the drummer left for another band on a mutual agreement, no bad blood between them, that's when B/n helped out and they've been together now for 4 years, getting better and better every single day.

Ruby: Liv! Let's go!

Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan are all the members of the Riott Squad, Sarah and Ruby are waiting for Liv to get ready, Liv's always been the flashy one out of them, the bright pink hair and blue tongue is key markers to that.

Liv: Calm down Rue Rue. Y/n will still be there when we get there.

Liv teased making Ruby sigh, rolling her eyes and walk out the shared house, The Riott Squad have a little secret, they are all crushing on Y/n, his love of rock music and tattoos are what got Ruby's attention, his eye for adventure and enjoying the wild is what got Sarah's heart, and Liv... well, Liv just thinks he's hot and kind, much better then her ex boyfriend.

Sarah: Let's go.

Liv was already excited for the show, she might not be all that much of a fan of rock music but she just wants to see Y/n, he always makes her smile and happy, when she's having a bad day, Y/n's the one to cheer her up.

They both walked out and joined Ruby in the car as she drove them towards the show, they have backstage passes from Y/n and are also excited to see B/n, it's been a while since they saw the other L/n and he wasn't as well supported by the WWE as Y/n but he's happy now with the life he has and isn't looking going back.

Liv: Y/n!

Liv ran off after seeing him and jumped on Y/n hugging the man making him stubble a little, Y/n laughed it off though while moving his guitar out the way, their about to go out and are ready for the show, Y/n performs in front of more people for music then he does with WWE, it wouldn't surprise them if he ditches the WWE soon to do this full time.

Y/n: It's good to see you to Livvy.

Y/n's giving Liv a nickname one that Ruby and Sarah are a little jealous of but their adults and they don't mind not having a nickname from him, that's not what makes him special to them, it's the fact he loves everything they do and he's way too kind hearted for his own good, B/n is the one to call out all the bullshit.

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