Cassie Lee: A Friend In Need! (Final - Part!) (18+)

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Y/n looked from the baby to Cassie while she smiled up to him still, Y/n didn't expect her to even involve him in the babies life much less put his name in the middle of Jake's, Y/n looked back to the baby with a smile still plastered on his face.

Y/n: Ron didn't think that's weird?

Cassie shook her head to him while walking around the babies room, she's trying to settle the boy for a nap while the get together is still going on downstairs.

Cassie: I told him, "Y/n" is the name of an Uncle I had when I was younger, he died in a car crash.

Y/n wasn't sure if to be impressed with her lie or to be disturbed by it, either way Cassie has giving him a way of being part of the boy's life, even if it is from a far.

Y/n: Thanks Cassie.

Cassie put Jake in his crib and had a reason for making this party a thing, she needed to see Y/n and he wasn't coming to visit them with Jessica as much anymore, so she needed a reason for him to come to her.

Cassie: Y/n...

He looked up to her after she spun to him facing him, leaning on the baby crib behind her, Cassie looked a little nervous and a little worried as Y/n still hasn't said much other then just really standing there.

Cassie: ... I need to get this off my chest...

Cassie stood up fully still not moving from the crib though and toying with her hands in front of her body, Y/n gave her his full attention, something that apparently Ronnie still hasn't done for her.

Cassie: ... That night meant more to me then it was meant to, I can't stop thinking about you...

Y/n didn't expect her to say this to him, he thought she was going to tell him that it could never happen again but apparently she's going the complete opposite direction.

Cassie: ... Every time I look at Jake I can't forget you, that night it was... Wow~

She smiled with a sigh while remembering it, Y/n can't lie it was pretty amazing but he thought she loved Ronnie, they've been together for years now and never seemed like breaking up, did he just ruin a happy marriage.

Cassie: I'm not sure what I'm expecting from this, but I just thought...

Y/n had heard enough and walked over to her, she watched him and was caught off guard when he pulled her into a kiss, not a normal kiss this was one filled with love and lust, his hands roamed her body and she was caught off guard, it didn't take her long till she sunk into it and started to kiss him back, Y/n's hands gripped her ass lifting her up allowing her to wrap her limbs around him.

Cassie let him moved her over to the baby changing table but then her mother instincts kicked in and had to push him off her, Y/n didn't right away needing this, needing her but she made sense.

Cassie: Not in front of the baby.

They both looked over to where Jake is laying and he's actually watching them, Y/n thought it was a little creepy but then the kid laughed past his pacifier which made him chuckle, Cassie hopped off the changing table and took his hand in hers.

Cassie: Come on...

She pulled him out the baby room and into the room the room she sleeps with Ronnie in, Y/n didn't wait and picked her up tossing her onto the bed, Cassie giggled to him as he moved on top of her pressing his body onto her's, Cassie smiled up to him holding his face in hers and attached her lips to his, Y/n didn't fight her and moved his hands under her top playing with her new milf tits causing her to moan and whine.

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