Cassie Lee: A Friend In Need! (18+)

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Cassie Lee has had many highs in her life, she met her best friend when they were teens, she realised her dream and worked hard to get to where she wanted to be, she made that dream come true when she signed with WWE, during of which she met her husband, Ronnie Arnell.

He's a good guy and treated her perfectly, making her feel like a real Queen at times, eventually though her and Jessica's dream with the WWE went stale and depending on who you ask, their career kinda spiraled towards a crash landing, so they both jumped ship before it was too late and ended up with Impact Wrestling, they didn't have much in terms of competition for them though so after their OnlyFans took off, they turned to that full time.

Even Jessica has had it good, she herself met a guy, a really nice guy called Y/n L/n, Y/n met the girls during their time in Impact Wrestling, Y/n was a young aspiring wrestler, now he's with AEW and one of the biggest names in the business, he hasn't won a title yet but it's building up to it with him and MJF having a all out battle of words.

Cassie: ... Are you sure he'll be okay with it?

Cassie is at home on the phone to her best friend Jessica, while just pottering around as Ronnie is at the gym, Jessica is doing her own thing while Y/n's on his way to Cassie's house.

Jessica: Yes, just talk to him. I give him the all clear and Ronnie gave it to you...

Cassie looked around not to sure about that but Jessica didn't see her, it's not a face time, it's just a phone call so Cassie doesn't get caught out.

Jessica: ... You'll have a baby in no time.

Cassie was happy to hear that, she and Ronnie have been trying for years now and nothing has come from it, she's started to think one of them was infertile and after a trip to the doctor's she found out it wasn't her so it must have been Ronnie, Cassie told Jessica about it and apparently, Y/n doesn't have a problem in that department.

Cassie: Thanks for letting this happen Jess. Love you.

Cassie stopped doing what she's doing and went to get ready to meet Y/n when he gets here, he doesn't know what he's walking into but that didn't faze her, Cassie wants this and Ronnie can't find out that this is happening.

Jessica: I don't blame you. I'll swing by later and see how things are going.

They said their goodbye's and hung up the phone, Cassie hates the fact that she has to lie to Ronnie but she really needs this, she has nothing left to do but be a mother, if Ronnie can't give her that then she needs to find someone who can, Jessica was happy to have her boyfriend help her best friend, plus the baby will be cute.

Cassie got her idea and figured out the best way to seduce Y/n, it's really simple, basically show off everything she has without showing him anything, Cassie liked that plan and got changed...

Cassie got her idea and figured out the best way to seduce Y/n, it's really simple, basically show off everything she has without showing him anything, Cassie liked that plan and got changed

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