Laura Dennis: The Bunny's Mate! (Small - 18+)

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So this is another story I had in mind and since, I'm in no shape right now to write new stories, I thought I'd give you all a little teaser. Also this story, if it was to happen, will act as a Sequel to an already finished story of mine. Can you guess which one? Enjoy!


It's been a rough few weeks for Y/n L/n, he's lost his chance at the WWE then found out his partner of 4 years, wife for 2, has been cheating on him for the past couple of months, he's not even sure when she found the time, she never left the house.

It wasn't a total regretful relationship because Y/n now has a little boy, a little boy he made sure to take with him when he left their home in Detroit, he didn't confront his soon to be Ex-Wife, he just packed his bag, and some stuff for S/n *Son's name* then drove away, Y/n lost everything withing the space of a week and the only thing he has left is his friends from the Indi circuit, the only one he could think of though is an old friend from Highschool, Laura Dennis.

Y/n: Come on, come on. Pick up...

Y/n sighed sitting in his car at a petrol station, he just topped up the tank hopefully ready to make a trip from his Detroit to Buffalo where Laura lives with her husband Jesse, he's a nice guy, they've met a few times, so he's hoping he won't mind them crashing with them for a few days.

Laura: Y/n? Y/n. What's wrong?

She asked sounding worried and why wouldn't she be, it's nearly midnight, Y/n sighed with a smile letting his head hit the steering wheel, relived she answered, all while S/n is asleep in the backseat, safely locked inside the baby carrier.

Y/n: Lori, I need a favour...

Y/n sat back running his hands over his face, he hasn't even processed all this just yet, he just found out she was cheating on him while in the shower, her phone went off and he picked it up to take it to her, he had no reason or want to check her messages but when he picked it up, curiosity got the best of him and read it on the home screen, that's when Y/n decided to just get out of there.

Y/n: ... S/n and I need a place to crash for a couple of days. Would you mind?

Y/n waited for a response which seemed to take longer then he expected, he was worried she'd turn him away but then she responded and actually seemed pretty excited about it.

Laura: Of course. Why? What happened?

Ever since they met she's been protective of him, Y/n has this way of being used by people to get to places in life, the worst part is, Y/n let's them, he just can't seem to stand up for himself even if he needs to, he'll give the world to S/n though so it's not so bad.

Y/n: Can we talk when I get there?

Y/n really didn't want to talk about it over the phone and kinda just wanted to get S/n somewhere warm and safe, even in Winter, Orlando can get pretty nippy out, the car heaters can only do so much.

Laura: Yeah, come on. I'll get the old crib out for you.

Y/n remembered what she was talking about, Y/n bought S/n a really nice baby crib just before he was born but his soon to be Ex-Wife didn't like it and told him to throw it away, thinking he might need it again, Y/n asked Laura to keep hold of it for him and she agreed, apparently she still has it.

Y/n: You're awesome you know that.

She seemed to chuckle over the phone before telling him to hurry up, Y/n liked that idea and they both canceled the call, Y/n then made the short trip to where Laura is waiting for him and S/n...

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