Chelsea Green: A Partner's Needs! (Final Part!) (18+)

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Chelsea did what she was scheduled to do, it wasn't much but it was more then most got to do, she basically was scheduled to break Liv Morgan's record for shortest time in a Women's Royal Rumble match, because Hunter actually can see Liv for more of a talent then Vince ever could, not saying Chelsea is bad but her having this record suits her character.

Y/n: Great job!

Y/n cheered for her as she came back behind the curtain, she jumped, wrapping her arms around his neck, Y/n smiled spinning her as others gave their respects, they congratulated her while they waited for Y/n's turn, Chelsea could tell something was on his mind but he said he's fine, she knew he's lying but will get him to talk later, first he has a Rumble match to make his statement in...


Y/n came into the ring at the number 15, Seth Rollins has been in since 19, now their alone, just the two of them with the crowd behind them, this has been a dream match up for a lot of Wrestling fans around the world for months now, so while both men climbed to their feet, they talked a little trash while pointing up to the Wrestlemania sign, it lead to a little pushing and shoving.

Then both men put distance between them circling the other showing that their about to make this their's only before they could, the timer ticked down, the moment between the two in the ring was so distracting most forgot there is another Superstar to come, Seth and Y/n didn't move and just waited for number 30, little to say Seth was not too pleased...

... Y/n was really happy to see Cody, they met once or twice over both their respective times in the Indi Circuit, even teaming together a few times over that time, so while Y/n had a grin on his face, Seth was shaking his head annoyed about seeing Cody, the past few months showing why, but they all worked the script perfectly, Seth moved to the ropes right by the ramp as Cody made his way, but while Seth's back was turned, Y/n tucked under him and lifted him over the top of the rope.

The crowd cheered as Y/n stood there laughing while pointing at the Visionary, Seth was understandably pissed, hitting the apron while the ref's stopped him from climbing back in as the announcer Mike Rome called the spot.

Mike: Seth Rollins has been eliminated!

Y/n ignored Seth while Cody walked past him chuckling to his miss fortune, Cody got into the ring with Y/n for the first time in years, it was clear that the two were friends as they stood there, the two final men in the Royal Rumble, looking around to the crowd, it meant a lot for both men to have made it this far, so after taking it all in and a shake of their hands, they did what they did best...


It ended how it was thought to have ended, with Cody winning the 2023 Royal Rumble and getting the chance to complete the Dream, it also ended with them building a story between Seth and Y/n going forward, once Cody had Y/n over the top rope, Y/n walked up the ramp leaving the celebrating Cody but got ambushed by Seth, Cody came to his friends aid but the "Damage" was done, leaving the "Injured" Y/n to be carried out by Cody, that was until they got behind the curtain of course then everything went back to normal.

They all had a quick celebration for a show well down till they all went back to get set to go home, their all tired, the last thing they want to do is celebrate, that can wait till tomorrow, then they'll celebrate like there's no tomorrow.

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