Paige Van Zant: A Friends Wife! (Final?!) (18+)

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So Y/n just got caught fucking his best friends wife, not really a situation you ever want to be stuck in but he is and he needs to think of a way out of this, not going to be that easy since Paige is laying naked on the bed, he's standing there naked and Austin just saw him roll off her, he's going to have to pull the rabbit out of the hat for this one.

Y/n: I was giving her the Heimlich maneuver and out clothes were getting in the way.

That was really the best that he could think of on the spot and even he didn't believe it, Paige thought it was quite funny, she didn't seem to care that her husband just walked in on her fucking another guy.

Y/n: Okay, that's a bunch of crap. Look, mate, I'm sorry.

Y/n didn't bother lying anymore, he's been caught red handed... well, Paige is the one red handed, you know, friction, but metaphorically, Y/n's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, although in this scenario, the hands his cock and the cookie jar is his best friends wife's cunt.

Austin: Why?

Y/n had to do a double take as Austin was a lot calmer now then he was when he walked in, Y/n's never slept with a women in a relationship before so them getting caught is a first for him but he's pretty sure that this is around about the time where Austin should be kicking his ass, not asking him why he's sorry.

Y/n: Uh, I... Ah...

Y/n looked from Austin to Paige, she had already cam, it was probably her moan that called to her husband making him burst through the door, Y/n however was still achingly hard while trying not to get killed here, Austin though, honestly didn't seem to care that he just caught Y/n fucking his wife.

Austin: Look, I'll be honest. I've been meaning to ask you to help out.

Austin nodded towards Paige as Y/n looked between the two, was he okay with Y/n fucking Paige while he's away, is that normal, that doesn't seem all that normal to Y/n, he's not really going to complain if that is the case though, he doesn't get beaten up and he can still fuck a beautiful women.

Austin: You've met her, she's too thirsty for me. I love her though and want her satisfied, so we talked and I don't mind if you helped out.

Austin seemed really relaxed now, even though his friend's standing in front of him naked with a hard cock, although it's slowly going away at this point, this really isn't what Y/n considers a turn on, Paige however seemed to be getting a kick out of it.

Y/n: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Your okay with this?

Y/n's not sure he would ever let another man fuck his girl but then again, agreeing to share one is another thing, he and Austin have been friends for a long time, he's even known Paige for a while, Austin actually chuckled to him while stepping back towards the door.

Austin: Yeah, just don't think she's all your's, we do this. We agree to not over step.

Y/n couldn't believe that this conversation was going this way, he honestly was a little stunned, so he turned to Paige who was still laying on her back, naked, leaning on her elbows, she gave him a little wave with a cute smile, apparently she likes the idea of having two men at her every beckoning call.

Y/n: I really don't know about that. Isn't it illegal?

Y/n was a little unsure about that, he'd much rather Austin kicked his ass right now to be honest, this is quite a lot to take in, he didn't know that this would end up like this, he kinda just thought he and Paige would fuck then never mention it again, braking the law isn't really something he planned on doing.

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