Roxanne Perez: A Long Weekend Apart! (18+)

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*Requested By Rtj555!*

Warnings: There's not really anything to be warned about this time! Just enjoy!


It's time for Smackdown and it's a big day for the English born Y/n L/n, he's getting his push and being put on to the Main Roster, not only the Main Roster but in a few weeks, he'll be teaming up with John Cena to face Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa at Fastlane, building on from the intense Rivalry Y/n and Solo made during Solo's short time in NXT, Y/n's coming to the blue brand with all titles under his belt, he's a former NXT Champion, North American Champion and a 2x NXT Tag Champion, though that was at the beginning of his career and his partner is no longer with the company.

John: Ready?

Y/n's going to be helping John Cena out after he get's in over his head, Y/n nodded to the 16x World Champion, looking forward to working with not only one of, if not thee greatest WWE Superstar ever but also Y/n's childhood idol, Y/n loved watching RAW on a Tuesday Morning and watching John face either Triple H or Randy Orton for the WWE title, that was his idea of fun.

Y/n: I've been ready for years.

John chuckled and patted the young 23 year olds shoulder, Y/n is confident, sure he knew that the Main Roster is different from NXT but he's been working towards this since he was 11, now he's here and ready to make his dream come true, with some of the biggest names in the company right now as well, so now he just needs to wait in the Gorilla, watching as John Cena charged at Solo and Jimmy, Y/n spent the next few moments to get himself ready because before he even knew it, his music hit and he got a pat on the back...

... Y/n wasn't sure what to expect from the crowd but it was actually a really good reaction, nothing compared to what The Rock got last week but since he hasn't been on TV in months, he was pretty proud of it, that reaction, sparked the confidence in him to walk through the curtain, straight at Solo who looked pissed and like he saw a ghost, Jimmy was on the top rope about to hit the second Uso Splash, Y/n's appearance made him pause.

While Y/n stood at the top of the walkway looking to Solo and only Solo, Jimmy was running his mouth, Paul is doing the opposite, he's speechless to seeing Y/n on the Main Roster right now and to stand up to The Bloodline on his first day, big things are coming for Y/n in this company and it starts tonight, with him making his way towards the ring, taking off his shirt, tossing it into the crowd.

Solo slipped out the ring to meet him but Y/n tackled him into the apron, both starting to hit each other with blows after blows, the crowd cheering while Jimmy was barking at Solo, till he tried to get out to help his younger brother, Jimmy couldn't because he was pulled back into the ring by an upright Cena who get his baring's together, the attention though was mainly on the two reunited Rivals, as Solo went to throw Y/n into the post, Y/n was quick and reversed it sending Solo into it instead.

Y/n went to keep up the attack but Jimmy was getting the best of an already warn down Cena, so he slipped into the ring, Paul warned Jimmy that Y/n was coming and Jimmy got out of there, leaving Y/n to check on Cena, John patted Y/n's arm to let him know he did a great job but it wasn't done yet, he walked over to where a mic was just placed and grabbed it, making his way towards the ropes looking to the ramp.

Y/n: Solo!

Jimmy was guiding Solo up the walkway, not really helping him, the Enforce was still on his own two feet but needed the odd pick up when he stumbled, considering no one has the record that Y/n does against Solo in the WWE right now, Solo's making it look good.

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