Liv Morgan: Livin' Marine! (18+)

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*I said I was going to start putting small warnings on these Chapters so if you don't like what's wrote then you don't have to read it...

Warning: First Time - Oral - Brother's Best Friend - Self Conscious!

... Like that, these warnings will now be on every Smut Chapter from this point onward, including the Celebrity story book! Enjoy!*


Liv has grown up with a large family, a few older brothers and an older sister, she idolized her mother for raising them all on her own after her father past away, although her brothers did as much as they could, one of the most fondest memories she ha is when they would all build their own little wrestling ring, all being fans of the WWE, they had fun.

Liv worshiped Lita so each time they'd wrestle, she'd be her, not only was it Liv and her siblings but sometimes her brothers friends would come over after school, it was a lot of fun for them all, only one of them was of interest to Liv though, it was her youngest brother's best friend, Y/n.

Y/n has been her brother's friend since they were kids, Liv has grown up with Y/n around the house pretty much, it wasn't till she was around 11/12 when she started to develop a little crush on the boy, only her older sister knew about it so she would wined her up every time Y/n was around, you know doing the usual teenager teasing stuff, signing that silly "Kissing song" as well as making kissing sounds when they were in the same room, Liv was a little relieved when Y/n didn't seem to pick up on it.

Liv would talk to Y/n every so often though and was amazed by his look at life, Y/n was adopted when he was little because his birth parents thought they wanted kids, then changed their minds, Y/n never met them, or ever seemed to care, he'd always smile and make people laugh, he even told her his dream about joining the Marines, his adopted father was a former Marine and he'd say "There's no better way to protect the people you love, then joining the Corps", Y/n took those words to heart, one of the reasons he was so good at wrestling with them was because he's been preparing for the Marine Corps since he was only 12 years old.

Only when he was 16 and Liv was only 14, he did it, Y/n joined the Marine Corp becoming one of the youngest to over do it, joining mere weeks after his 16th birthday, Liv and her family were of course invited to his going away party at the L/n house which wasn't too far from the Morgan residents, she really liked a man in uniform so seeing her crush in his new camo gear, it just increased her feelings ten fold.

That was then though, 4 years ago and she hasn't seen Y/n since, well, she has but only when her brother is on a face call with him, he looked good, better each time actually, more muscles tone and it looked like he got tattoos as well, Liv just didn't expect to see him at her place of work, see a few months ago she got a job working at Hooters, it's not a dream job but she's made friends and money to help her family.

Ann: Wow, heads up...

Liv is at her station waiting for the tables to either clear up or order something with a few of the other girls, Joy, Bonnie, Cassie and now Ann, all of who looked to where Ann was looking to see what she want's them all to see.

Cassie: Oh, there is a God.

They all saw the small group of four walk into the building, all tall dark and handsome, most the time you get either married men, overweight guys or just perverts, these guys look so good they can be perverts and it'll be okay.

Bonnie: Alright, draw straws.

While Ann, Joy, Bonnie and Cassie picked up some straws, cutting one of them to see who gets the table, Liv had already snuck away with the menu's ready to take the job, only thing is when she got there, only three guys stood there.

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