Madison Rayne: Good Things Come Back Around!

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*Requested by QueenZain3! Enjoy!*


Madison Rayne is one of the most experienced Wrestlers on the Indi Circuit, maybe even the world, she's been Wrestling since the young age of 18, straight out of High School she started her journey to get to the top of the Wrestling pyramid, only in doing so lost the love of her life, Y/n L/n.

Y/n and Madison grew up together, both born in Columbus Ohio, they first met in High School, Y/n was on the football team, first choice Running Back, and he was good, so good infact he was offered a full scholarship to Miami State, even though he also enjoyed wrestling, he didn't love it like Madison did but he still enjoyed taking her to shows in a car park after school, it's memories like those, that pushed Madison to make the separation worth it.

She, nor Y/n wanted to split but they knew long distance relationships wouldn't work, everyone knows that, so they decided to call it quits while things were good between them, it was an opportunity he couldn't let slide, some of the best in the NFL have come out of Miami State, it was a chance in a lifetime, one she wouldn't be able to live with if she was the reason he didn't follow it, unfortunately though, Y/n never made it to the big times, an injury put him on the side lines for 2 years.

During that time, Y/n wrestled, it started off as a way to just get movement back into his right leg but it ended up becoming a bit of an addiction, he saw the fun to be had doing it, he now understood why Madison pushed herself to be the best, it was however too late for them though as when Y/n returned back to Ohio, he got hit with the news that Madison was seeing another guy, he wasn't mad, it was her right to do so, he was just disappointed he didn't get here first, see although Y/n got injured playing football, he still finished up the scholarship, he's a fully qualified Football Coach now and honestly, he's dream is to be a football trainer for a High School or something, to train the next generation was always something he's wanted to do.

Y/n didn't just sit on his ass and feel sorry for himself though, he continued to work hard in wrestling, he had a part time job during Uni so he was able to live of that long enough for him to get an opportunity in 2012 with the Wrestling Promotion, Impact Wrestling, little to say his agility and stamina impressed, giving him the contract, since then he's been at the top of the company.

From 2012 to now, 2017, Y/n's been the one to beat in the company, you want to impress the fans, you beat him, which seems next to impossible as he hasn't been pinned in 3 years, holding the Impact World Championship for 2 of them first winning the title in 2015 against Lashley in a Last Man Standing Match, since then, Y/n's held the title for over 700 days making it one of the longest title reigns in the Modern Era of Wrestling, that's however not all.

Madison is too one of the biggest names in the TNA and Impact Promotion, they however tried to keep it as friends, since she was now married to that guy, she even has a daughter now, Charley, Y/n's met her a few times at shows but every time he can't shake the feeling, she should still be his, then in 2015, she divorced her husband, it was Y/n's time to take his chance, but every time he tried to, he'd just get tongue tied which really isn't like him, it even got to the point the guys and girls in the back knew they still loved each other, their just waiting for Y/n to get the words out.

Y/n is heart set on doing it tonight, July 2 2017, he's just done it again, beating Johnny Impact for the third time but he needed to get back, as soon as he got backstage though he was heart set on trying to find Madison, he's not sure what it is that's snapped in side him but after a literal bump to his head during the match he now has the confidence to ask her to be his once again but it wasn't to be.

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