Jessica McKay: A Charming Bartender!

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There's a movie reference in this one. If you spot it, you get a free Cookie, I'm not sure who you'll get the Cookie from but you'll get one eventually! Enjoy!


Jessica's had a tough few months, she's had fun working with her best friend and their photo shoots, even including a few other friends here and there but she seems to be missing something, that special person so come home to, she lives in a house not far from Cassie and Ronnie, it's ready for her own family, she just can't find that guy to start it with, she's had failed relationships all through her life, never once did she feel like their the right guys though.

Jessica never once gave up and agreed to go out with a few friends to have a fun night, maybe a couple of drinks to go with it, so Jessica got dressed up...

 And left too meet her friends at a local karaoke bar, Jessica isn't too sure about the whole singing in front of random people but her friends seemed to like the idea and Jessica isn't going to miss out on a good time

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... And left too meet her friends at a local karaoke bar, Jessica isn't too sure about the whole singing in front of random people but her friends seemed to like the idea and Jessica isn't going to miss out on a good time.

Once Jessica got there she liked the place, it wasn't too fancy but not a cheap place, she was sort of left on her own a couple of hours into the night because most her friends managed to find some guy's to stick their tongue's down their throats, Jess could have but wanted more in a relationship so she just excused herself and went towards the bar, that's when she saw him flipping bottles like it was a game...

Once Jessica got there she liked the place, it wasn't too fancy but not a cheap place, she was sort of left on her own a couple of hours into the night because most her friends managed to find some guy's to stick their tongue's down their throats,...

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... He always had a smile on his face as well no matter who he was dealing with, Jessica couldn't help but admire him from the distance, his styled H/c slicked back hair and clear stubble on his face made him handsome, then he looked great in his work outfit, long white sleeved button up with the sleeves rolled up passed his elbows and black waist coat made him look like an extra from a James Bond movie.

Girl: Dammit.

Jessica sat at a stool and looked to the girl a few seats away on her right to see a girl getting ready to leave while looking for something in her bag apparently it was a lighter because she has a cigarette in her mouth.

Y/n: Oh, here.

She watched as he pulled out a old looking zippo lighter and tried to get it to light but it wasn't lighting, he sighed while he kept trying and trying.

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