Riott Squad: Let's Riot! (Part - 2)(18+)

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Question! If you could, would you bring the Riott Squad back today!? Also, who's your favorite member! No wrong answers! This also might be the longest Chapter I've ever wrote, so Enjoy!


It's been a couple of months since Ruby claimed Y/n as her own and they've been going pretty well, Ruby still touring with the WWE and Y/n putting 45% of his time into the music now, the other 55% of his time goes to Ruby and their friends, Ruby's also noticed that Y/n is more relaxed and happy, maybe the added pressure on his shoulders of the WWE not letting him achieve his potential, has lifted and he can finally live a happy life.

Liv: Come on, Rue Rue. You gotta share him.

Liv and Sarah, many Liv has been on Ruby's back about her letting them have a go on Y/n but Ruby's not to sure, she really likes Y/n and the last thing she wants is to lose him because he get freaked out by her horny friends.

Ruby: It's not that simple Liv. He's not like others.

Ruby, Sarah and Liv are once again on their way to a show, the guys are only the next town over from the WWE so they booked their accommodation at an air BnB just settled between both towns, it's a nice little house with three rooms, perfect for the four of them.

Liv: That's why you gotta share him! Come on Rue Rue~

Liv ended with a pout while hugging Ruby's arm as they continued to walk to the arena, it's not a long distance from the air BnB to both respective arenas so they thought they'd walk there and get a ride back with Y/n, Ruby though is being badgered about letting her best friends sleep with her boyfriend, which she is open to, this whole polygamy thing never really bother her, it's stupid that some places have made it illegal, it amazing that in some states you can marry your mom but you can share a guy with your best friend.

Ruby: What about you? Do you share in the need to have Y/n?

Ruby asked looking away from Liv who's still hugging Ruby's arm and to Sarah on her left, Sarah is the most quite out of the trio so she just gave a small shrug while continuing to walk.

Sarah: Well, I'm not going to beg like a child as some people...

Sarah said looking down to Liv as Liv looked up to her pocking her still blue tongue out to her, Liv didn't care about hiding it, she has a thing for Y/n but only Y/n seemed to be the only one who couldn't see it.

Sarah: ... But yeah, I'd like to be treated the way you are.

Ruby smiled to her as she loves her boyfriend, Y/n's done nothing but treat her like a queen since the day months ago now, maybe it is a little unfair for her to keep a guy like Y/n to herself, besides, Sarah and Liv are hot, why would Y/n not want to sleep with them.

Ruby: Can I think about it? Is that, okay?

She asked mainly to Liv as the both agreed and they all made it to the arena where the band's playing, Y/n, B/n, Duncan and Chris have been sky rocketing lately, mainly because of their new song "The Red Baron", Y/n managed to finish it and they loved it, put some instrumentals behind it and as soon as it hit the charts, it quickly became their most popular song, taking their Spotify Monthly Listeners from just over 900,000, to well over 1.5 Million, the song really put them on the map and got them World Wide recognition.

Liv: N/n!

Y/n is once again just about to go on stage while talking with the others, they all looked to see Liv running at them again, Y/n was prepared this time though and moved his guitar out the way onto his back and caught her as she hugged his body like a baby Koala would.

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