Chapter 2

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The Forest Training ground.

The students were all split up in pairs of two. Their shoes thumping the grassy ground of nature as they made their way proceeding forward with their exercise.

Katsuki the explosive blond was taking a stroll, not really caring on what activity they were doing, he had no one to compete with. However, he found himself following the sound of a distant voice. Sounding in need.

This was his activity, he had purposefully been placed on this path because everyone from UA knew he was not the best when it came to communicating.

He sighed as he got closer and Closer to the faint cry of help before he found a small girl hiding behind a tree.

He studied her, seeing her leg scratched, tears that were crystallising from her eyes, causing her cheeks to go red and her eyes to puff up, surely this wasn't just an activity. She was genuinely bleeding.

Immediately the blond switched to alert mode, there was no way this little girl was acting for the sake of his activity. He glanced around, left right, front and back before he approached the little girl and kneeled down. ''Hey are you okay?'' The blond asked as he stared, the little girl glanced up at the man before she fell into the males arms, she sobbed and with that the blond glanced around, uncomfortable and unhappy he didn't get the answer he wanted. Plus having another person when there was possibly a villain let lose was hard for a hero to do his job, but now he had to.

Taking out a handkerchief he pulled away from the sobbing girl and with that she gracefully took it wiping her tear stained temples, he stood up holding her in his arms and with that he used his other to make his way back to the cabin that his teacher Aizawa was resting at.

The wind blew briskly over Katsuki's clothing, having the smaller girl in his hands he felt a bit more added weight to himself. Due to his costume it was already heavy enough. Finally they made it to a larger cabin and with that he landed onto the muddy floor that roots of grass grew out from and with that he placed the girl down.
A black haired male that had around shoulder length hair came out in surprise and with that he inspected the girl that stood between the two.

''Who is this?'' The male asked as he glanced up at the training pro hero. Katsuki sighed before he crossed his arms and with that he answered the man. ''I found her...she's not too badly injured but..I hope this is part of training'' the blond spoke hopeful.

What made his heart beat faster was hearing the poor hero sigh and shake his head, his hands dropped to his sides. ''Everyone danger'' He mumbled, Aizawa stood with the little girl finally calm and falling asleep in his arms and he nodded. ''Do not panic, i want you to use your quirk and find the other students, bring them back here'' Aizawa ordered.

The blond felt pressure weigh on his shoulders and he nodded before letting his feet lift off the the ground and with that he went flying into the air and with that he slowly started searching for his classmates with his heart beating out of his chest.

However, soon that changed when he saw a blue laser escape through the trees and into the sky. Yuuga Aoyama. The male went flying into the air suppporting himself with his laser and with that he spotted Bakugo, he headed for the male before a spring of blue fire erupted up and created a vertical line through the forest trees.

Every student saw, and they stared at the fire, having never seen a blue fire, except...for Dabi. A male with black hair, styled just like Katsuki's, part of the LOV. League Of Villains. A group of villains that wanted to beat heros.
How many there were no student knew but at least they knew where the villain was and who the villain was.

'Oi shitty hair'' he blond yelled as he landed near a red haired male. The male glanced at him confused but also in slight fear. ''What's going on?'' The red haired male asked as he approached the blond in a jog. ''There's a villain around I've been going around trying to find the rest of these idiots to tell them to return to the cabin where Aizawa sensei is'' kirishima the male he was currently with listened intently before he smiled. ''Let me help you''. He was refused rapidly. ''No go back to the cabin'' The blond frowned.

Katsuki wasn't the type to depend on people, even if it was something he couldn't do himself he never told anyone, he suffered it all on his own. As if he were the last piece on the chess board.

Before Kirishima could refuse, the blond left. The male felt bad because he knew the blond endured the troubles on his own.


Pro heroes arrived at the scene fast, but before anything there was no sight of Dabi...or any villain at all.

''Tokoyami, Sato, Kirishima, Ochako, and Kaminari'' Aizawa called out and with that he glanced around double checking. A hand was raised in the crowd before a voice called out. ''We're missing Bakugo'' A student yelled, Aizawa glanced around again before he frowned. Indeed they were missing a student.

''We're missing Bakugo, take a look around again'' Aizawa announced to the pro heroes before they nodded and with that they left to search another time around the first, hoping there would be some sign...

''There's no sight of Bakugo Katsuki'' Midnight announced to Aizawa. He bit his nail, frowning. ''He'd been caught by the LOV'' Aizawa announced. Chatter fell silent and the room in the cabin fell still.

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