Chapter 19

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"So indeed you're right we can create an illusion and be inconsistent with the attacks but at the same time we want to attack within an attack" the black haired villain spoke with passion as he layer out his plan.

The masked villain nodded listening intently as the others were at work and with that he finally sighed. ''We'll go with that, other than that how is the troublemaker doing?'' The villain questions, and with that Dabi pauses and he smiles, before going to another document.

''Well, he's been peaceful lately, i've sent someone we are familiar with to go check up on him?'' Dabi mumbles and with that the villain seems to be even more intrigued than he was, he leans in, indicating he wants more information and the black haired male grants him exactly that.

''It's someone who is quirkless but they don't hate villains surprisingly, a teenager to be exact'' Dabi infroms.


Heading to the store Katsuki did, he had decided to go back home on the weekend, and his mother had sent him out to buy shopping instantly. He knew what he was getting himself into, not like he minded.

However, as his headphones were in and he had his hands tucked in his pockets comfortably, a shoulder bumped into him and he frowned, taking out and earphone and he was met with a smaller frail boy.

''I'm sorry'' the smaller boy mumbled, he picked up his book and Katsuki himself feeling bad, kneeled down as he picked some papers that had seemed to scatter, but what he saw shook him. The male was small and frail, brown hair that covered his eyes and glasses that made his face look smaller and the glasses bigger on his face.

''Be careful'' the blond spoke and with that he handed over the papers he had just inspected from the smaller. Unfortunately he wasn't sly as he had expected to be, the male smiled as he stood taking his papers before he sighed. ''You saw'' he mumbled to Katsuki. Unable to respond the smaller replied with a smile. 

Katsuki didn't know how, but he ended up sitting at the library with the mysterious teen. They sat opposite each other on a table and the surface was filled with the males books and binders, just who was this male and why did he have so much analysis on villains.

''You must have questions'' Katsuki looked at the male in such wonder and caution before he replied with a nod. The library was silent, shelves that surrounded them that made them feel like they were the only ones there, they felt rather private and secluded from everyone else that was around them.

The sound of shuffling and silent chatter filled Katsuki's ears as he loved the sound, of it not being too quiet but not too loud either, he loved how one place was kept at a specific and volume and that exact place was the library. The touch of the oak wood and material of the table was all that filled the room. The smell of wood filled his nose, he smiled. Although he was quite limited on his time.

"Well as you can see I do analyse villains" the teenager spoke, as he smiled weakly looking down, there was something about him that made Katsuki feel uneasy. His voice was timid and calming like Dekus and it irritated him.

A few bodies passed by before the male leaned in onto the table towards Katsuki before he spoke in an even quieter voice.

"I was sent by the LOV to you" He whispers. The blonds eyes widened and he backed up slightly, unsure and not believing of what he was hearing. Most of him didn't believe it.

Katsuki didn't believe the male, he could just be saying  that just to get information out of him. "You don't believe me?" The male asked hitting the bullseye. That's when Katsuki stared right into the male's eyes before he broke the contact.

This teenager was very sharp.

Holding out his hand, Katsuki looked at it before he looked right back at the male. "I'm Rei" The male introduced and with that Katsuki didn't take his hand he only nodded as he got comfy.

The male was gorgeous for a teen.

Rei retracted his hand from rejection and cleared his throat.

The blond male leaned forward, elbows resting on the oak desk, the floor was perfectly even no sound was heard from the desk, just the single sound of Katsukis clothes ruffling from movement.

"The masked Villain Deku, Dabi, Shigaraki, Toga and gate Kurogiri " Rei spoke and with that he smiled seeing the blond was unsettled with his knowledge.

"You don't hate them?" Rei shook his head at the question, he leaned back opening his notebook and with the he began writing in it.

"I don't hate them, but I don't agree with them, and it goes the same for the Pro Hero's" The pencil that he held between his fingers happily coloured the empty pale page of his notebook.

This was unusual, for a person to not agree with anything at all, it was like the male was being Atheist, however, it wasn't about gods but it was about good and bad. Maybe there were more people like that out there? But they never really stepped out about it.

The population was large and many were judgemental, he was sure the male was bound to be judged about his choice and opinion.

Katsuki didn't say anything from that, he inspected the male as his pencil glided across his page and he couldn't help but love the sound the pencil made when meeting with paper. It was pleasing to the ears.

"Here's the deal" Rei began, his pencil came to a holt   he placed it down, staring at the blond.


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