Chapter 23

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Today was the day.

Katsuki was going to see the masked villain and he was rather overjoyed.

He was rather Smiley as he hung out with Kirishima. The two of them sat in a cafe as they watched the outside, and how people passed by, carrying plastic bags full of groceries.

"Oh my god, we should totally play together" the male exclaimed in enthusiasm, sipping his cup of hot chocolate as it warmed his red fingertips.

" Yeah sure" the blond agreed as he looked at the red haired male. His eyes laid on the red paired ones, at they stared in silence before Katsuki had broke their contact.

There was further silence and Kirishima smiled to himself as he also let his eyes fall to the scenes of the people that were on their legs and travelling.

They were lucky they were even able to book a sitting space, most of the time, the cafe was fully booked usually, however, this time they managed and they were content.

Katsuki let his phone slip out of its clothed cage and with that he turned on allowing the brightness to attack him, causing hin to push his phone back and with that his friend opposite him to chuckle at the sudden movement.

He headed straight to social media, seeing if he could get any information on the masked villain, but all he could find was what had happened and nothing further had been shared on any platform.

He sighed in defeat, tucking his phone away, before returning back to his best friend's attention.

He just couldn't wait, so it was a first as he let his emotions out.

"Have you ever been so excited you can't wait, and you keep looking at the time" Katsuki shared as Kirishima stared with a look of confusion before he gave a confirming nod to his friend.

"Yeah one hundred percent" He replied with a smile sprinkling his face.

Katsuki nodded in relief, thinking there was something wrong with him, he was relieved to know that there was nothing for him to worry about.

He wasn't weird for being excited, it was normal, and he never felt that, especially towards a villain.

Calling Deku a villain gave him a bad taste in his mouth, he knew being with the villain would cause complications, but he could enjoy it as it lasted right?

On the other hand.

The masked villain Deku.

Sitting with Rei. Gathering information.

"And that's for all I could gather" Rei spoke as he handed over another photo, his hand retracted as he felt the villain take the photo.

Inspecting the paper, he flipped it back before flipping it back to it's original shape.

"As you do know it's hard to stalk without being caught" Ray admitting as he let his palm run at the back of his neck, he was getting that itch. That unsure and hopeful itch.

Rei was discovered by Dabi. He was rather..and odd mystery to the masked villain.

The male was a fan of villains and he didn't have a problem with it but he was unsure of what had gotten him into that sort of interest.

Whatever it was he was bound to find out one day, other than that he sighed as he returned the photos. He himself had his reasons for not adoring Hero's as he used to.

No matter whatever they thought.

He was seen as dangerous when he was, and that's why he came to the conclusion.

He was going to show them dangerous.

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