Chapter 6

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It was another boring day for the blond, being trapped within the weird dungeon, although he now had knowledge he was not above ground he was underground, he could only tell because it was rather quiet, no birds were heard, no sight of nature or windows at all, it was also far too silent and dark for it to be daytime.

Katsuki exaggerated his sigh, it was far too silent for his liking, he was being stripped away from his socialising, and that wasn't good. Finally he attempted to escape once again, but he was unsure of why the restraints were so hard to get out of, it was useless.

His mind had gotten used to the familiar footsteps that always got closer and closer to his cell, and he knew it was that mask faced villain, as soon as he saw his foot step into view he already knew, and he felt relief, finally some interaction. ''Good morning'' the villain greeted. The blond only nodded looking away, and with that the sound of keys jingling and the lock clicking his body washed power with relief.

''I'm taking you back today'' The villain announced, Katsuki looked confused but finally happy. He wouldn't be stuck here alone and tied. ''I'm hungry'' Katsuki spoke and the villain could only chuckle. ''Right'' He replied and with that he turned on his heel, but for some reason Katsuki's words came out quicker than he could anticipate what to say. ''Wait! Stay!'' He exclaimed to the villain, bringing surprise to the both of them.

''Stay?...'' The villain repeated. Katsuki didn't reply, he let his head fall to his lap. That was embarrassing.
''Okay..'' The villain replied once again, before he pulled out a chair that was in the cell by the desk. Once again, Katsuki was surprised.

Reaching in for his back pocket the villain took out what Katsuki knew was a walkie talkie as he pressed a button and with that communicated to the other villains.

The blond was accompanied with the presence of the villain, yet there as silence.

''Whats your name?'' Katsuki questioned trying to break the ice. ''Deku, although you cannot tell anyone, or i will come for you'' The villain leaned in, once again resting his elbows on his knees as he stared deeply and intensely into the Blonds red eyes. Katsuki gulped, he felt hot under the gaze of the villain, he glanced away before looking back to see the eyes that stared at him haven't changed. He felt as if though he was transparent. 'Deku..'' The blond repeated, the villain leaned back and the dark air around him vanished in an instant. He was so much different than the others.

''What if i tell someone? Along with your threat?'' The blond challenged. The villain leaned in again, this time he was fascinated, but his expressions were difficult to tell with the mask on. The villain took out a card, holding it in between his index and middle finger, before the blond knew it, the card was set on fire and with that, it turned into ashes. The blond gulped. ''I'm sure that sums up what goes down'' the villain spoke, Katsuki didn't say anything further.

They were disturbed by a throat being cleared and their heads turned at the same time to be treated with Dabi and his blue eyes. The villain inched the tray towards the two of them and the masked villain got up, heading towards the male and taking the tray of food. The Tray of food consisted in having eggs and sausages with vegetables at the side.

The masked villain plated the food onto the table and with that Dabi left, Katsuki with that awaited till the villain had untied him before he pounced, landing on top of the villain, pinning him down as he glared at the male with the mask. He couldn't see the villains face or expression he only got more curious, just who was this new Deku villain. The blond used his right hand to reach for the villains mask, but a strong grip held his wrist back. It was an overpowering grip from the villain. He frowned.

Before he could comprehend his next action, he got knocked off of the villain as his back was met with the same concrete floor he had just made the villain face, except now it was his turn. The masked villains leg was on the blonds stomach, pressuring in extreme strength as his wrists were pinned by the deadly grip. ''That's unfair huh?'' Katsiuki mumbled in question, the villain didn't answer.

Despite the blonds struggle, he just wasn't strong enough, he had never been held against his will apart from being held by a quirk. ''What's unfair? You had started it Katsuki'' The villain finally spoke, goosebumps grew on the blond arms and legs as he got called by his name, and he felt himself flush slightly, he never got called his name. A scoff escaped the blond as he smirked but at the same time he winced at the small movement. ''Does it hurt?'' Deku asked, he teased as he squeezed tighter to gain a cry of pain from the blond. ''ugh fuck..'' His voice got quiet at the last word.

The villain gifted a final squeeze before he got up. ''Your food will get cold'' he spoke as he adjusted his clothing, the blond sat up as he massaged his wrists seeing they had grown red but for some reason...he felt flustered, his heart was beating and it was louder than it had been before. He got up and with that he made his way to the desk with his plate of food, he sat at the seat before he heard some noise from the villain, he looked to see the villain drawing, but he looked away.

Little did he know...the villain was glancing constantly and drawing him...

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