Chapter 7

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Time went by for the blond,, he was stuck in that damn...cage like a wild animal, but he was accompanied by the masked villain, and the villain...currenly..was asleepp, on the chair, his arms crossed as he was slowly falling into a trance of tranquility.

That soon changed when a beeping noise filled the atmosphere and the villain awoke, he wasn't as surpprised as the blond was, the masked villain Deku got up from his seat and with that he glanced at his wrist which held a watch.

''It's time'' The villain spoke as he sighed. Taking out his walkie talkie and with that he seemed to change the frquency or station he was on, he spoke into it, bringing it close to his mask.

''Kurogiri, underground'' Deku spoke. Another voice went through the line. ''Copy, over'' and with that the two were silent.

Katsuki was going to be taken home today and he didn't know what he was going to say, the villain didn't want him to tell the heroes about him, but then why would he listen to a villain? He had to tell them to help them. But for some reason...he wasn't willing to say anything.

''OI, katuki'' the villain called out and the blond responded to his name like a dog. his head turning to look. The villain chuckled and the blond blushed.

Deku's laugh was cute, even though that was not the villains name, it was name?

Before they knew it, Kurogiri the well known warp gate appeared and with that Deku greeted the villain, even though he was the head there he was still respectful. He was the most respectful villain the blond had saw.

''Take us to XXX rooftop'' Deku ordered and with that the blonds eyes widened, that was close to his home... he frowned, villains really did know everything but he didn't know they knew that much.

''Understood'' warp gate replied and with that he approached the two, Deku untied Katsuki before holding him and with that he went through the warp gate with the training hero.

A gush of wind ran past the hero as he felt the fresh clear air, he hadn't felt for about two days? he assumed. The moonlight shined on the two as they stood on a roof of a convenience store, the roof was flat and concrete so nothing would be heard from the inside.

Katsuki looked up at the moon seeing it was half and he admired the beautiful view, the clouds running past, the wind was gentle yet cool enough. It was then that the blond realised how dsgusting he felt not taking a bath, he couldn't wait to hop in.

''Well here you are, you can make your way down by the side ladder, remember do not mention my name or meeting me, just say you don't know where you were, or..'' the villain paused as he ran his index finger over the males throat, feeling the adams apple core move as he gulped.

''I-I won't..'' The blond stuttered,, he couldn't see whether the villain smiled as on his mask.. a black smile was already plastered on for him but he felt as if the villain smirked.

''Take care... Hero'' The villain mumbled as his last words and before the blond could even say goodbye, the male was gone... he frowned.

He felt odd... Its as if he were dreaming..


The door oppened as a blonde woman appeared by the door she wore a light purple robe and with that her eyes widened. ''K-Katsuki?!'' She exclaimed her eyes welled up in tears and the blond placed his hand behind his neck, scratching it nervously.

''Where have you been?'' Mitsuki asked as she allowed her tears to fall from her eyes. The blond didn't say anything, he couldn't he didn't know if he was being watched or not. ''Just out and around..'' He lied and his mother sighed, letting her son in.

''You've been repported missing'' She announced as she closed the front door, his eyes widened...they really repported him missing?

He headed for the kitchen and sat at the dining table, sighing and leaning back on the chair, parts of his body was throbbing at where he was tied, he felt his own pulse and it was scary...he felt so vulnerable and naked, it burnt.

''Okay fine...i was caught by villains'' The blond sighed as he closed his eyes.he couldn't wait to collapse in his bed. ''You what? and they just let you go?'' Mitsuki mumbled as she turned on the kettle and with that let the water boil.

''Well yeah.. you know they can't get shit out of me'' Katski spoke. His mother nodded as she sat opposite him whilst waiting for the water to finish boiling.

Mitsuki was still further suspicious, there was no way they would just let him go, that had never happened before. As the kettle finished boiling, she stood and with that made the blond his favourite Thai Tea and with that placed it down for him. If anything she was happy and back.

''Drink, and take a shower, i'll call UA and tell them-'' He interuppted his mother. ''Don't tell them the villains let me go, they won't believe it, just say i managed to escape'' Katsuki mumbled as he sipped the tea that his mother made.

Mitsuki was doubtful but she accepted her sons request and with that he headed for his room. She leaned against the kitchen counter and with that she equalised her breathing. He was okay.

She took out her phone and with that phoned UA.

She would follow her sons request as of now..until he told her why..she would give him time and suppport him through and throughout.

''Hello Mitsuki Bakugo calling'' She placed the phone to her ear, telling the person over the phone who it was before she spoke further, announcing the news.

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