Cahpter 12

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Awakening the blond was, he glanced around to see himself in an unfamiliar surrounding, and he felt his back against something soft...and he felt warm...He recognised where he was by the walls and blue flames but this time he wasn't tied up like before.

The door opening sent the blond on alert but...he saw the familiar masked villain and he sat up, but as he used his hands he winced in pain. ''You're up'' the villain spoke as he closed the door and approached the training hero, he sat at the bed, looking at the blond and his condition.

''You look much better, and you may want to be careful with your wrists, they're going to hurt for about a week or so, the villain was careless and squeezed too tight'' The villain spoke, he reached for his drawers beside his bed and with that held some ointment. The blond didn't speak, he just stared at the masked villain.

''Why now...'' He let out, the villain looked at the male in question, before he knew it the blond had threw all his weight onto the villains and with that the two fell of the bed, Katsuki on top as he gripped the villains collar, he was frowning, he was in pain but he held his grip well on the black shirt the villain wore.

Katsuki hated it, he hated how he couldn't get the villain out of his head, how he wanted to see the villain and he had to go through all that trouble just to finally see him. Deku made no move, instead he let the blond take out his anger.

''I had been trying, and trying and fucking trying! You've been in my fucking head, and i can't get you out and i began plotting this weird shit! What the fuck have you done to me!'' The blond yelled as his body was beginning to heat up due to his anger, finally when he stopped, he couldn't keep quiet, and once again he yelled.

''Why are you being silent! Fucking speak'' he yelled, but the villain was only silent in return, despite his request. ''Speak you piece of shit!'' Katsuki's voice wavered, before his grip eased on the males collar.

They stayed in that position for only two minutes in silence before the villain finally spoke, feeling the blond was calm.

''I've been watching you, these whole two weeks'' Deku spoke, the blond looked at the villain, staring into his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His voice was so clam, he was soo calm and it annoyed the blond. He wanted to see the villain angry, annoyed, anything, he just didn't like that the villain was calm, it's as if he wasn't a villain at all.

''You've began getting careless and today was it, i hate being the good one'' The villain continued. Katsuki sighed. As Deku reached for the blonds wrist, the explosive male made no movement to move, he let the villains skin touch his and caress his hand, moving to his wrist which was more sensitive than usual, it felt raw, the touch.

''We're meant to be villains, not heroes, and here you are, making me show myself, along with saving you'' The villain finished, Katsuki stared down, unsure of what to say, he could no longer look the villain in the eye. Sitting up the villain did, their position was....explainable. Or at least hoping it was.

''Why do i want to see're a fucking villain, yet i feel comfortable around you, i trust you more'' Katsuki let out, the villain listened and to be honest he had no explanation for what the blond just told him. He wasn't so sure himself.

Finally, Katsuki reached for the masked villains mask, his fingers grazing the smoothness of it, he frowned, he reached for the hem of it but, a hand clasped around his wrist and once again he winced at the raw feeling of the contact.

''You can't'' The villain spoke, he let go of the explosive males wrist before he removed the blond from his legs and with that he got up, taking the ointment from the bed, he kneeled down and took the cap off of the ointment bottle and with that took the blond's hand gently before squeezing some on and massaging it.

''Two weeks Deku'' the blond mumbled, the villain stopped before he continued. It was the first time he heard his name being used and it was the first time it felt natural for the blond to use it. ''Two...weeks'' his voice broke, but it was replaced with anger and violence, once again he pushed the villain away, the villain didn't react. This felt odd..this felt oddly familiar. It was like a lovers quarrel.

Deku got up and with that he felt guilty for the first time. He was feeling things he had never felt before, and with that he sighed. ''I'll leave and check up on you later'' the villain mumbled and with that he left.

Katsuki was left to himself and in the room of the villains. He stood, and headed back to the bed, siting onto it and with that he finally let himself fall into the comforts of the bed. He was wondering what was wrong with him, why was he acting so upset.

Meanwhile, while Deku left he sighed, letting his head fall to the wall, the memories were coming back...


''Two weeks Izuku'' His mother let out a sob, he watched as his mother was at the table pouring her eyes out, he had just returned home after running away. He didn't feel guilty, he needed the time to himself, but the sight of his mother had never made him feel so bad before. He didn't say anything, he let his mother let her tears out.

''Do you know how worried i left no note..'' She continued, she wiped her eyes and she sniffled. ''Why are you silent'' his mother broke. Izuku made no move to comfort his mother, despite how much of the feeling he was getting to go and comfort her, he didn't have the guts to, he let her cry over her dinner as he sat there, useless like he always was.


It wasn't the first time the villain felt the way he did, but after the blond letting out his anger..he couldn't help but hate the feeling, it was the last thing he wanted, after he had ran away from home of being rejected of going to his dream school, he ran away unable to bear the anger and frustration, and he just couldn't do it at home with his mother there.

So he ran away. He was the danger..and that's why he was rejected.

He didn't want to associate with the feelings he felt before, but now it seems, he found someone who can make him feel the ways he did before.

He wanted to stay away but..he was attracted to the blond for an unknown reason, he should stay away or else he would have to suffer the same he had in his past.

Was he really going to risk it? Or get rid of it?

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