Chapter 28

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''Yesterday was a battle of Chaos as the LOV had showed up during the heavy Hail, causing destruction in a mall with thousands of citizens that were present and some heavily injured, luckily they had managed to survive. Some were unlucky to be in between of this destruction''

''That is crazy, everyone was only seeking for safety and warmth from the hail, but they were only met with danger''

''Just when everyone had forgotten of the previous encounters they had with the villain, the LOV had seemed to appear out of nowhere, but no citizens were taken.''

''This must be a joke of some sort, inflicting fear on these citizens yet leaving with nothing''

''Surely they were expecting to find someone but had failed to in the process, and during this all Heroes were themselves resting and unaware until a call was located from someone inside the mall, a call for help. They were late in the process of catching one of the Villains as we see in these two videos''

Katsuki stared intensely at the TV as he was sat with a blanket wrapped around his body, a cup of Chai Tea accompanied him. He frowned as he watched the news. It still infuriated him seeing Deku and how he was causing destruction and harm. But he was a villain and the blond wouldn't be able to change that.

Screaming had escaped the Tv as he was sat alone watching a recording someone had taken from inside the mall, zooming into the masked villain only as the masked villain was still unidentified despite all the online researches. Of course he was bound to be exposed one day.

Suddenly the person recording the incident was met with the masked villain as the villain was staring right into the camera lens and the blond gasped in silence before seeing a flash of green emit from the villains body before he was charging himself towards the citizen.

Katsuki frowned. He was unsure why people were putting their own lives in danger and recording these events. If people weren't stupid enough they wouldn't record and therefore they would be safe and they wouldn't get hurt like other people. His eyes widened at his thoughts, he had never blamed citizens. 

''People are real stupid huh?'' A monotone voice spoke causing the blond to turn and be met with Todoroki, his enemy that he was slowly feeling a presence of comfort in, the male always seemed to walk in whenever he was watching the news so early in the morning.

'' instead of not recording they could be keeping themselves out of danger'' he expressed taking a sip of his tea and with that a sense of deja vu rushed through the blond as his classmate sat an foot away from him knowing how the blond didn't like to be cramped in one space and liked his own.

''Well i guess i can finally use the phrase and say that's the type of society we live in'' he spoke, Katsuki let out a hum before both their attentions turned back to the next set of video footage from another angle.

This time it was video footage of the villains being taken in by warp gate and then disappearing before the voices of pro heroes echoed throughout the chaotic mall, and the video ended there returning back to the news reporters.

''How horrible''

''Truly terrifying, Police are further investigating the videos and trying hard to identify the masked villain, other than that let's focus on some natural disasters, Yesterday a tornado had occured in-'' 

At that point Katsuki was complete with the daily news, he sipped his tea before allowing his hands to trace the warmth of his blanket before he had his phone in his grasp.

He hadn't spoke to Rei for a while, and he wondered if Deku was okay.

He only wished that people would be able to see that the villain was trying to be accepted by society, and he wished he could do something but he was only a pro hero training, he was unable to put himself in that position. His career would be on the line.

Todoroki himself had been through some events in his life. And the burn around his eye wasn't caused by a villain but by his own blood.

This showed that not all humans were evil, they were sometimes more scarier than villains.

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