Chapter 30

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Missing him.

Jolting up, the male placed his hand over his chest, feeling the beating of his heart race against his ribs. This was a feeling he wasn't so familiar with. Usually, he loved the thrill, but this wasn't a thrill he could love...he was upset, he was angry.

He forgot, but now he was remembering again. Shaking his head, he slipped his legs off the bed, sighing as he stood and headed out of his dark room and into the kitchen.

Those memories... begun unravelling, and it was no good. The last thing he needed was a vulnerable mindset as he was leading his team.

Pouring himself a glass of water, hearing as the field whole area of the glass was filled, he couldn't help but gulp the whole continents of it down his throat. His heart began easing in its pace. There was nothing better than water.

A yawn was heard within the perimeters of the room that the green haired villain was in, turning around another villain, which was Dabi seemed to have awoke to the early ruckus. Although the villain tried his hardest to stay as quiet as possible.

"Did I awake you?" The villain mumbled in question as he rubbed his eyes. The black haired male before him smiled before walking over. "No, this is when I'm usually up," He informed.


The villain was powerful and rather attentive. Despite being a villain, most villains were quite the listeners.

The green hair male sighed as he let his head fall back of relaxation. This wasn't a time he was usually awake at. He was either asleep still or maybe heading to sleep. Being a villain was busy work. Especially for him, he still provided for his mother.

"Bad dream?" Dabi asked as he crossed his arms across his chest. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the villain look at him in defeat.

It was not every day that the villain saw his own leader in defeat.

At this moment, the only thing that was running through the villains head was Katsuki, the hero. It really shouldn't have been, but it was, for some unfamiliar reason.

They hadn't spoken in some time, and the male's voice was beginning to fade, the villain was forgetting how the blond sounded like, only knowing that his voice was deep, and he held some sass within him. He could do with the males sass right now. It was fun to watch. It was fun to talk back.

"The past," the villain mumbled as the other nodded in understanding. He understood, Dabi understood because he was someone the villain spoke to, he was silent and listened, even if he had no advice ans nothing to sat, he listened, and sometimes that was all someone needed.

Someone to listen.

Dabi didn't reply much after. He only placed a comforting hand on the villains back as he rubbed gentle circles on the male.

"You should get some work done then if you can't sleep," Dabi mumbled, attempting to help the male by suggesting a distraction. The green haired male ruffled his own hair, messing it before nodding. It didn't sound like a bad idea.

Dabi aided in directing the villain back into his room before he went ahead and stayed for a few minutes. "I'm going to head back then. Text me if you need," Dabi comforted.

Standing up, Dabi headed for the door of the male room, but he stopped in his tracks. "I miss him," the villain confessed.

"I know." Dabi mumbled.

He closed the door shut.

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