Chapter 11

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Lately Katsuki had been getting rather careless, he was getting into more danger than anything, and everyone was confused on what was going on, even when everyone asked him, he always had been saying that he hadn't slept well or he was getting tired and it had caused his carelessness.

Little did they know it was because the training hero had other ideas. He had his reasons, of course he did.

It had been two weeks since Katsuki had his plans to expose the villain or get the villain to appear, but it just seemed nothing had worked, and the blond was beginning to get tired of trying.

Today was the last day he was going to be stupid and do something stupid, he was out by the streets, walking and minding his own business, however, he hadn't expected to actually encounter another villain.

Screams were heard and the blond paused in his tracks, unsure of what was happening, he looked behind and with that saw civilians beginning to run past him and with that his eyes met a large wild animal like villain. He hadn't expected this.


''Deku, There's been a villain spotting'' Dabi rushed in, Izuku was currently in his study and he looked at his companion before he stood up and headed after the male. They rushed to the meeting room and with that to Dabis table and with that Deku stared at the live CCTV which was on right now.

The masked villain sat onto a seat and with that he stared at what was right before him. ''It seems like the training hero is on the site as well'' Dabi spoke and with that Izuku looked through each camera before catching a glimpse of the blond. He put some effort in helping someone else, the way his quirk created explosions. He truly was a hero.

Deku stared as the other villains present in the room stared at him watching for his reaction, although he didn't move at all, they wondered what was next, what he was going to say.

''What's the next move?'' Kurogiri interfered, he headed for where they were sat and with that it was silent.

Deku watched the blonds moves, he didn't say anything, he was far too into the blond. The villains looked at each other, confused but they awaited for the males response.

It didn't take long for the blond to get caught by the villain, and the other pro heroes hadn't arrived yet. The masked villain finally stood. ''Well...'' he cracked his neck from both sides. He hated sounding like a good person but.. he just couldn't help it, he had been watching the training hero and seeing his carelessness for two weeks and he just couldn't come to a conclusion to why the hero was trying to get his or possibly someone's attention.

''I hate sounding like we're heroes but.. we have to save the blond and bring him back'' the other villains stared before they sighed, whatever said went.

No questions were asked and with that, Kurogiri opened up his gate and with that the villains disappeared, they appeared onto the rooftop of the scene. Deku handed all of his villain colleagues an ear piece, before he announced their roles.

Finally he headed down onto the scene with Dabi, more screams were heard and with that, the two villains stood opposite the other villain, as he stared right back at them as he held the blond, covering his mouth.

The blond met eyes with the masked villain. He tried fighting the villain however, his hands were trapped together and if he did he would burn himself in the process, his blood circulation was beginning to cancel at his hands.

Deku and Dabi got to work, Blue flames lit up trapping the villain and more yells and screams were heard. They wouldn't be heard if the two males were heroes,but unfortunately they weren't.

However, there was an opening and the villain headed for it, but the masked villain was far faster than the villain that they were against. He was met with the villain face to face. The two were in a combat fight.

There was backup of villains, finally Izuku knew who they were, they were the wild villains. Finally Izuku got a grip of the villain that held Katsuki hostage and with that his fur began to flame up, the villain let go of the blond and with that he fell to the concrete floor, struggling to get up.

Dabi fought the other villains and Deku lifted Katsuki up into his arms, despite the villain being set on fire, he still headed for the masked villain, but he was far too fast for the animal like villain,, Deku climbed the wall, using his signature boots to latch on and with that he was back at the rooftop where the others were.

''The pro heroes are close'' Shigaraki announced as Deku nodded, finally Dabi let his final flames and with that he headed back to the top. Kurogiri opened up the gate and with that they headed in. As they did, the other villains climbed the same building to find them gone.

In the end, Katsuki had fought his best and saved a few people like a true hero before he himself needed saving.

On the news it was being broadcasted, live.

''The masked villain had made it's second appearance, how unusual...two villains fighting each other, and it seems as though the villain was helping out the training hero'' the news reporter announced.

When pro heroes arrived at the scenes the wild villains managed to escape and all they had to do was call the fire brigade and ambulance to take those who were injured to get treated.

Pro heroes and people wondered. Just who was this masked villain.

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