Chapter 14

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''Ma!'' The male exclaimed as he ran to his mother with a letter in his hand, he handed it over to her as she was sat at the table and the green haired male sat right beside her, incredibly excited to see what the letter was about, his mother chuckled warm heartedly.

''Oh look at you so excited Izuku'' She teased as the male pouted, he really wanted her to just open it up. She began opening the letter, hearing the paper tear sent a satisfying chill down Izuku's spine. Finally as it was neatly opened, she took out the paper and with that she opened it up.

Izuku couldn't wait to know if he was accepted, even though his quirk was a bit much, and that he didn't know how to control it, he just couldn't wait. To become a pro hero!

However, the expression on his mothers face caused him to frown, he frowned in return and he couldn't help but worry..was it bad or was his mother messing around with him.

When his mother turned her head, her eyes began to glisten and she shook her head. Snatching the letter from her he read it, it was from UA.. and he had been...rejected...


The villain sat up and with that his breathing had intensified, he sighed only realising it was a dream from the past and he couldn't help but frown, why was he getting such dreams like this, he had never gotten dreams like it before.. he shook his head. He had only gotten such now...and it was most probably because of Katsuki.

Getting out of bed, the silence was loud, the villain could hear the beating of his heart and it was louder than it had ever been. However, he was interrupted with the door to his room being opened as it let in a soft glow and he looked to see Dabi standing in the doorway.

''Katsuki is asking for you'' Dabi spoke, the other villain nodded as he grabbed his mask and with that, he put it on, he headed for the blond's room, and he entered to see the blond sat at the bed, he approached confused.

''Is something the matter?'' Deku asked as he stood there, Dabi was in the doorway and Katsuki peaked his head out and with that the villain sent the other away, it didn't take long for the villain to leave and for the two to be alone. The blond looked, before he took a glance at the villain and with that he stood up from the bed, looking up at the villain.

The villain was so tall... Katsuki was unsure but being a five eight male that he was.. the villain was definitely about six foot. The blond reached for the mask that the villain wore, and the villain hesitated before he stayed in place. Katsuki wasn't going to take it off, no he wasn't..but he just couldn't sleep, the place was dark...and it was quite uncomfortable to be alone in the dark when not having his music to listen to.

''Stay?'' The blond asked, The green haired male looked in question before he hummed in approval, well he couldn't sleep either. Katsuki got into the bed as he invited he villain over and the villain sat beside the male, resting his head on the board of the bed, he closed his eyes and Katsuki laid his head on the pillow entirely, he sighed, finally closing his eyes and shuffling closer to the villain, hoping he wouldn't mind.

Indeed the villain didn't mind but that doesn't mean he didn't realise, Katsuki laid there and the villain sat, the two were in each others comfort. ''It's not fun sleeping alone'' the blond mumbled, he knew the villain was there and listening, so he decided to talk for even a bit to tire himself out. ''I'm sure you're used to it'' the villain replied, Katsuki hummed. ''Not's alright with you around'' The villain smiled, he didn't want to but he couldn't stop his smile from spreading.

It was silent and still like all the times, Katsuki shuffled a few times, looking up at the villain before reaching for his mask but his wrist got caught and his breath hitched, the villain looked at the blond, before he let go realising the blond wrist was still raw.  His left eye winked and he couldn't help but feel uneasy as he began adjusting to the dark and with that he was able to see the blond's face clearly.

The villain had something called snake eyed, he was able to see in the dark, was also one of the reasons he wore a mask, to cover up the ugly burn that came with it, he's able to control it now, but before, it burnt like crazy. It wasn't an insecurity, but more of an obvious feature.

''Why are you trying to take off my mask?'' The villain asked as the blond blushed, hiding his raw exposed wrist under the covers, he didn't answer but he bit on his lip, little did he know that the villain could see it all. Deku didn't hesitate to place his thumb in between the blond lips parting them slightly, separating his lip from his teeth, and he done that unable to control his movements, but he didn't regret it, the blond let out a mewl before his eyes widened and he backed his head away. The villain chuckled.

''Shut up'' the blond mumbled, he turned away and the villain didn't hesitate too lean over the male, he snaked his hand under the covers and placed it on the blonds waist before moving his hands up but it caused the blond to jerk, the duvet that he was covered with, was now placed over his nose to stop any unnecessary noise and the villain couldn't help but find it cute at how flustered the blond got. He had to stop though, this wasn't good.

Pulling his hand away, he leaned to the blonds ear before whispering ''Goodnight'' and with that the villain got comfy as Katsuki tried calming his mind down.

Just how could the villain so calmly fall asleep, while he was there going crazy.

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