Chapter 15

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This time there was no dismissing it, Katsuki didn't know what he would say, it was morning and he didn't know what he was going to tell the others when he returned, this time it wasn't an excuse, they saw what went down and now he had no excuse.

The masked villain entered the room with a tray of food and it was sausages with scrambled eggs and toast and with that he walked over to the blond and plated it down for the male. This time he couldn't hide his worries.

"What will I say?" The blond asked as the villain looked at him, he still wore that mask. Katsuki was hoping to uncover it soon at least. "What for when you go back?" The villain asked a question on top of the blond question, katsuki only looked at the villain with the 'are you fucking serious' face and with that the villain chuckled.

"That's for you to figure out" The villain spoke and the blond haired male pouted looking down at the tray of food. Deku the villain, which the blond had not yet known of his real name, approached the bed once again and lifted the blonds chin.

"Don't pout like that, just say you had something of ours and we needed it back" The villain spoke of the excuse, but he cut his sentence and continued around five seconds later. "Or what you say is up to you, you could leak my name or anything-" the blond intervened.

"Even if that was an option...I don't think I could" He mumbled as he took a fork and with that cut into the sausage.''What? Leak my name or any information?'' The villain asked and the blond only nodded, he was being honest he really couldn't.

''Well that's good to hear'' The villain spoke, this time the villain sounded like he was smiling and Katsuki could hear that he was and it made him happy. He wasn't going to leak anything..that would just make the villain hate him and he wasn't about to have that happen. Him and the villain, he could say they were close.

This was the blonds second time being kidnapped, but could you really consider it being kidnapping if he allowed it? He sighed, what was he thinking about, such unnecessary things, he felt himself going all soft and mushy for the villain, and he didn't like it, it was weird.

The masked villain walked over to the desk that was located at the bottom side of the room and with that he sat down, and he took of his mask, the blond stopped eating, he could only wish there was a mirror that sat right in front of the villain, but he pouted and finished his food. The villain was obviously teasing.

''you could just turn around'' the blond spoke, hoping to trick the male but it didn't work. ''Please if i did you would see my face'' the villain spoke, the blond rolled his eyes and he took the water, gulping it down last like he always did. '' you can't be ugly'' The blond gulped his drink before he said those words, the villain didn't reply in response, he sat quiet before putting his mask back on, and the blond teased even more.

''With a body like that..'' the blond mumbled as the villain approached, his face heated up, it was far embarrassing saying it out loud than it did in his head. Deku stopped before the blond and he tilted his head before catching the males chin in between his thumb and index, in the process lifting his head. ''A body like that huh? You've been looking i see'' the villain smiled.

How could Katsuki not? The villain was much taller along with the fact that his build was larger than his, and Katsuki thought his was enough. Of course others had larger but when he saw himself, his build to him was good enough, but clearly this was something else.

A knock on the door interrupted the two and the villain let go of the blond before announcing the person to enter, it was Shigaraki. ''So we are letting him go today'' Shigaraki spoke and the masked villain nodded. Shigaraki nodded in return. Katsuki didn't want to go if he was honest but he couldn't not go. Or else heroes would search for him and then Deku would be caught.

It was the last thing he wanted, even if the green haired villain was bad...he had just been saved so could he really just assume they were full of evil and no good?

Before Katsuki knew it, the green haired villain was waking away, and his body moved on it's own, his hand clasped around the villains wrist and he held tight. The two villains turned confused before the masked villain chuckled. ''I'll be back, i just have to check what's going on in the news'' The villain mumbled, Katsuki flustered red and embarrassed before he let go.

The masked villain pat the blond on the head, ruffling his spiky hair which in reality was soft and with that he the villain left, Katsuki sighed, there was really something wrong with him.

He was attached to a villain, alone with falling for one, one that he didn't even see the face of yet, but having the villain accompanied him, he seemed to fall more, and he felt he was seeing the sight of the one else but him was seeing, he was delusional.

Katsuki really was going crazy.

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