Chapter 8

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The door sliding to class 1-A sent everyone's eyes shooting towards it, It exposed the blond, a few students stood happy to have the blond turn up.

''Alright class sit down'' Mr Aizawa ordered as they did as so. Katsuki entered an walked towards his seat, sitting and with that he was still the Katsuki everyone knew him to be. ''Welcome back Bakugo'' Aizawa greeted as the blond nodded before he looked away.

All the students were confused, their class mate missed two days and he was now back as if nothing happened. ''I know you all may have questions and i am willing to answer them'' Aizawa stated as he looked at each of his students. The first to put up their hand was Kirishima.

''Yes Kirishima'' The black haired teacher picked, the red haired male put his hand down, glancing at his blond friend before he asked the question. ''Are we not gonna know what happened? He wasn't present for two days'' Kirishima spoke as the students from the class hummed in agreement, The black haired teacher sighed. He did agree with his students.

''Right well...he'd been taken by the LOV and..escaped, just about yesterday night'' The teacher spoke, the class was silent, before they all glanced at Katsuki, the blond was not looking at them but outside the class window. They all felt bad. ''shouldn't he be...resting and not here?'' Another student asked, this time a feminine voice, she also had black hair but it was up in a high pony tale. ''Well..yes'' Aizawa answered once again, although he couldn't have them too distracted. ''Let's get on with the lecture'' he finally broke the students out of their worries for the blond even though it didn't create much of an effect.

The students went on with their lecture, even if they were more worried about their class mate they knew they could ask questions later.


Just the sound of Aizawa closing a book indicated their lecture was over, the students were more than excited to be done than ever, Kirishima was the first out of his seat and towards the blonds seat.

''Bakubro'' he greeted as he took a seat and sat by the blond, the blond turned his head, humming. ''Bro...we were all so worried for you'' The training hero spoke. More students approached, Momo, Kaminari, Mina, Sero and other students, all worried for their short tempered classmate. ''Well I'm fine'' Katsuki mumbled, he didn't want them to see him weak or vulnerable, so he had to show a much more tougher side to him.

''We missed your food'' another blond training hero mumbled as the others agreed, some even chuckled and to the blond, he couldn't help but let out a sly smirk. He was happy to be back. More than happy to be back. ''I'll be cooking for you all again'' He spoke, as everyone smiled. He seemed the same to them, he spoke little, but he wasn't explosive, which weirded them out, they tried to not pay too much attention to it.

However, their meet up was halted as all might appeared at the door, his voice booming through the interior of the classroom in the name of the blond. ''Katsuki Bakugo, could i have a word with you'' The hero called out and with that the blond stood and walked away from the crowd.

All might took the blond to a room, which was the teachers lounge and it was only them two and with that Katsuki got comfortable as the hero sat opposite him.

''Right, Bakugo...about you escaping'' The hero began as the blond stared at him. The hero continued. ''Do you remember anything? Did you see anything, maybe the interior?'' The hero asked, the blond thought for a bit, he knew he couldn't mention about the masked villain or his name but he was sure the surrounding wouldn't be a problem.

''I was in a, with blue fire torches, and...yeah it was basically a dungeon'' The blond explained, All might leaned back. ''Is that all?'' The blond hero questioned, the blond sighed. ''I didn't see much.. i was just there for two days, and was fed'' Katsuki answered, not giving much of an answer. There wasn't much to give. ''Anything more? What villain did you see?'' The her asked, Katsuki bit his lip.

'' Dabi.. and Kurogiri'' He answered. There was silence before the hero asked more. ''Okay..and how did you escape?'' He asked. The blond bit his lip once again, he hadn't thought further of his story. ''throughout the night.. they never checked on me... and i found something to pick the door, there were no cameras of any sort'' The blond made up and the hero nodded. 'You didn't use your quirk?'' All might questioned further, the blond shook his head. ''No, i couldn't...there was something stopping me from using it..i was underground'' The blond spoke giving more information, yet he hadn't mentioned of the Deku villain.

''So...'' the hero thought before he spoke. ''It sounds like they have a new hideout'' The hero figured out, he sighed. ''Thank you, Bakugo'' he smiled, the blond got up and with that he left. Meanwhile, all might stood as he looked outside, staring at the city. There was something the training hero was hiding, but he didn't pry more, at least he knew that the male wouldn't say more than he already did.

Katsuki sighed as soon as he left the room with the pro hero, he hoped he wasn't too suspicious.

But for some reason he couldn't forget the new villain.

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