Chapter 5

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The masked villain had returned with some food, that Katsuki didn't trust, that was until the villain had about every bit of food and Katsuki gave in, he was hungry and he couldn't just allow his belly to starve. He dug into his plate of food and it was really good and full of flavour, although he didn't like the way he was being treated , they were all too nice and he didn't like that, they didn't try to get anything out of him like he had expected them to.

''Looks like you're enjoying it huh?'' The male asked as he sat right opposite the male, the blond nodded as he took his last gulp of the water and with that he was finished. ''Quite the eater, glad you enjoyed.'' The villain spoke, through his voice it was obvious he was happy.

They were surrounded by the dim light of the blue flames, their shadows being illuminated against the walls. Once again Katsuki was chained wrist to wrist and he didn't fight back, he didn't know the villains quirk or who he was so he didn't try, they were also planning to let him go and he hoped they kept their word for it, he didn't know how they were going to let him go, were they going to let him leave alone or were they going to take him back to his home, but there was no way they knew where he lived right.

As the masked male was applying whatever he was on the males wrist he took his time and he was rather gentle.
''Are you really hoping to let me go?'' The blond asked curious as he looked back. The masked male glanced to see the male was eyeing him and he nodded. ''Yes'' He answered simply.

The sound of his clothes ruffling indicated that he was done and the blond was once again refrained from his movements, and he sat there not liking the feeling of being trapped, he was sure he had a fear by now, but he also felt slightly calm. '' well get yourself some sleep then'' He muttered as he went ahead and left, Katsuki frowned before he sighed and he allowed himself to get distracted, just for a bit but then he grew rather tired, the last taste in his mouth was from the food he just ate.


''Any updates?'' The villain asked as he entered a room that was dark, had also the same blue flamed torches around, but then, clear glass was placed in between the wall and it revealed the time of day, which was obviously night, he had just entered after getting up two flights of stairs, he approached the table that two of his villain mates sat at before one began talking.

''Well they have announced that Bakugo is gone, and a lot is going around with your sudden appearance, a lot of people are posting about it'' The blue haired male spoke as he had a hand attached to his face, his voice was rough unlike the others, but no one seemed to mind, he was quiet to be fearful of. ''It's for the clout'' The villain sighed, in annoyance, he detested when people posted videos on him, a lot of people watched and they got money from it because of the views, along with a following.

''Well what can you do? When do we drop him?'' Dabi spoke as he leaned back on his seat, finally another face showed up, a female with blond hair, in two space buns, along with along with a school uniform, she approached taking a listen to what was being spoken about, she had realised in a second. ''Ooooh can i kill him?'' She asked curious a smile forming on her face as she held a knife, swinging it around, the masked male stared at her and shook his head. ''No, not at all, no one is killing him'' he defended.

Toga, the female with the blond hair pouted before she sighed in response. ''Fine'' she sassed before taking a cup and pouring herself a drink.
They were located in the meeting room which was at the top of their base, they had an underground dungeon which the blond was kept in, but it was not located in the base but outside, it was secret.

The villains had to make a new base, they had their warp gate, Kurogiri to transport them to places, but that was about all, all the villains weren't grouped together, they were all apart but it just happened that those specific five people got together, and now they seemed well acquainted with each other, although they all had different targets, they occasionally worked together, and as of now they were focussing themselves on All Might.

All Might the hero signifying peace, he was unbelievably powerful and he always held a smile on his face, no matter what the situation, but...for the masked villain it was different, he admired the Hero at first, but..he realised that he had no speciality, he was weak, frail...and he had been rejected. His views changed drastically and he had formed this group that he lead, he finally felt helpful, they needed him and he belonged.

Without realisation, the male was looking down and sulking until a tap on his shoulder sent him out of his hideous trance, he sighed. ''Are you good?'' The blue haired villain asked, to only gain a nod. ''I'll take him back tomorrow night, you all stay here and do more research'' The villain ordered and with that he stood and left. There was silence with only the sound of the crackling fire being present. The villains accepted their roles as of now, so far the masked villain never seemed wrong. All their trust was in him.

''Just me or was he thinking of something sad?'' The blonde villain asked unsure, she gained a accepting hum from the other two villains.
The masked villain frowned as he walked down the steps, he shouldn't have thought of his past self, it angered him and upset him, he wasn't special in any way..he felt like Shit.

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