Chapter 34 (a little intimate..)

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Katsuki was still there, he was still there, with the villain, it was getting late too, but not like it bothered the blond, he was okay with staying.

They weren't outside anymore but instead Inside the villains room. It was dark and Katsuki inspected it with interest.

The room wasn't too bad, Katsukis was slightly similar, he liked having his room dark, and clean. That was the similarity. Which he hadn't mentioned at first, but as he was there again he was able to take a good look.

Katsuki took a seat beside the villain, who was in his bed, sat. He was just there. Once again the feeling of the bed was quite familiar. The sinking and the matress and blanket. It all felt the same.

"Do you feel better?" Katsuki asked attempting to direct the villains attention else where than his dreams. "Yeah,  I guess" Deku spoke, he didn't bother looking the blond in the eye, he continued to focus down at something that seemed to be grabbing his attention.

His mask was back on just to confirm, so the blond still had no form of face to imagine, there was only that mask that hid the villains identity.

The unsettling feeling seemed to build up in Katsukis stomach, he could tell the villain was still thinking about the dream. He knew what the dream was, they spoke and he knew, but the villain still seemed to think about it.

Just what could the male to do distract the male, to make him forget.

"I have an idea" Katsuki mumbles causing the villain to frown in confusion. "What?" The villain answered I'm doubt.

Katsuki stood up from the bed that his body was slowly sinking in and he no longer was sinking but standing. He took off a black bandana that he wore, he held it.

"Huh?" The villain mumbled, glancing back and forth from the male. He was confused, what was the purpose of the bandana?

Katsuki stood before the villain before he allowed the cloth to cover his view of vision, once again the villain was confused, staring as the blond tied the cloth before letting his hands fall from completion.

"I can't see you now, so you can take your mask of, feel as comfortable as you please" Katsuki spoke. The green haired villain stared in surprise, holding out his hand before holding up his fingers.

"Let me know where you want me to be" Katsuki mumbled, completely disregarding the fact that the villain held up his fingers.

The villain still didn't trust the male. "I don't trust you" The villain let out. Katsuki sighed. "You can do whatever you want, I won't know where you are, I can't see you" Katsuki informed, sounding genuine.

The villain also followed up with a sigh. He said he didn't trust the blond, yet there he was reaching for his mask and taking it off.

He removed his mask before looking up at the blond, seeing he still hadn't reacted yet. Maybe he really didn't see anything..?

Katsuki stood there, rather obediently.

Meanwhile, the villain stood, taking one step at the hero before looking down. The make was small and cute compared to the Hero.

Deku reached out his hand towards Katsuki, placing it at the base of the male's neck and with that he let his thumb caress the male's neck, seeing goosebumps that grew on the blonds skin along with the little breath that he let out caused the villain to smirk.

His reactions were admirable.

No words were exchanged but silence. It was..manageable.

"You know...this is a bad idea" The villain mumbled allowing his thumb to rise and fall on the males gentle soft skin. Katsuki didn't respond, he only stood in silence.

The villain smiled before backing his hand away from the blonds gorgeous skin. This time instead of his his hand meeting the blonds soft skin, he moved his face to meet the blonds ear as he let out a soft breath and whispered.

"This is dangerous" The villain mumbled which caused the hero's face to flush even under the cloth.

Deku took the blonds arm before taking the blond and making him step forward a few times. Deku sat on his bed allowing the hero to have his legs parted as he stood close to the villain.

The distraction was working.

Although it was a little intimate.

Katsuki was stood, legs parted as the villains leg slotted itself in between the male's legs.

In a smooth action the villain placed his large hand over the blonds right thigh, pulling it and causing the blond to be caught off guard as his legs cradled either side of the villains hips.

"Can I?" The villain asked his eyes were glossed over, still in control.
The blond hummed.

Without warning the villain reached his hand under the blonds shirt, letting his fingers trace the smoothness of his skin.

Deku let his face fall close with Katsukis collar bone, letting his lips fall onto the male's skin.

This was rather needed.. a little intimacy for a little distraction.

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