chapter 35 that bad feeling..

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"Ahh you're here" Kirishima announced as the others looked. Yes Bakugo agreed to a Hangout, they were pestering him, and annoying him and a way to solve that was by giving them exactly what they wanted.

Although the blond hated it, they involved him when he didn't want to be but if he just done what they wanted they would leave him alone, that was a fact.

Mina smiled as she ran over to Katsuki who was the last one to arrive.

"Hey" She greeted as the blond took off his headphones, he hummed in response. "I'm surprised you agreed" She mumbled as Katsuki rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't stop bothering me" He answered as Mina chuckled. She knew he wasn't wrong.

The weather was Okay and the events of what happened in the city was long forgotten about. With the arrival of the new announced Hero that they had no knowledge of. Only Katsuki did.

The day that the villain and the blond got touchy and intimate was still at the back of Katsukis head, of course it was...

He had never let someone touch him like that before, and Izuku just seemed to be one of them. Yes he knew the villain. Although he was unsure if the villain remembered him.

He caught up to the group with Mina in silence as they all included him, excited and overjoyed that he was there.

It was a cloudy day, not too cold but not hot either, they still brought their jackets just for extra measures. Today they were going shopping. Katsuki was simply tagging along.

He informed the villain he would be, him and Deku seemed to speak more, after their intimate moments, they seemed to maintain a conversation flow, which the blond wasn't against at all.

However, something seemed to be bothering Katsuki, he had a weird feeling in his gut, something he didn't usually get so often. He never got gut feelings, occasionally he did but when he went out on a normal day without his hero training he never got a feeling like this.

Unfortunately today was a day where he did get an odd feeling.

It wasn't being watched, but it was just that something bad was going to happen. He shook of the feel though, the last thing he needed was to worry the group and ruin their plans.

Kirishima followed on behind, staying beside his best friend, even though the two hadn't spoken yet, he kept the blond company.

Kirishima finally turned his attention to the blond. "Hey man" He mumbled as Katsuki looked before focused his gaze before him. "Hi" He replied.

Kirishima smiled.

" do you feel?" Kirishima asked.

Confused Katsuki answered, "Okay?" He replied in confusion. Kirishima laughed lightly before he developed more of what he meant.

"No I mean like after the villain stuff and the drama" He explained and Katsuki let out an oh before he sighed.

He didn't really feel anything.

" I don't feel anything, I'm fine, im used to just being taken by villains" Katsuki answered. He did seem unfazed but Kirishima for some reason believed it was more than what he was letting out.

Katsuki hadn't been himself lately, or maybe it was just Kirishima, but there was something the Hero wasn't telling him. Although they weren't heroes yet.

The group consisted of Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Katsuki, Tokoyami and Todoroki. No they weren't all in a group, they were just invited. Somehow, Katsuki didn't know, he wasn't the type to really pay attention to that stuff.

They entered the large mall or shopping centre, they were both the same thing anyways and with that immediately they began discussing as they walked their first destination.

They all decided to go to stores together instead of splitting up and ots good that they even did.

Their walk was rather peaceful, however, there had seemed to be a large commotion that fell within one part of the shopping mall.

A man with a black hood was seen pushing past a crowd of people before a loud "GET HIM" was heard, the students all looked to see as a woman was seen to be on the floor, crowded by people.

Katsuki on the other hand had his eyes on the hooded figure that was running past a ton of people, shoving people, he seemed to be holding something.

With that he found himself moving, however, in the direction of the hooded figure.

"Katsuki!" Kirishima exclaimed as the group stopped in their tracks confused on what was going on.

"We'll go to the woman, Kirishima and Todoroki you both go after Katsuki" Mina planned on spot as the students agreed and on the move they went.

Katsuki was getting closer, turning to the right, his view of the villain only getting clearer and closer. This time people seemed to move out of the way seeing two figures sprinting through the large mall.

Kirishima and Todoroki were at Katsukis tail just about.

Meanwhile, Mina and the other assisted the woman up.

"Are you okay?" Mina asked as the woman looked horrified, she nodded hugging herself. "That man...he's carrying a knife" She mumbled.

The students eyes widened as they looked at eachother.

Zero took out his phone, calling Katsuki seeing the male wasn't answering and with that his only chances were Todoroki or Kirishima.

Katsuki once again made a left, this time they were outside of the mall building. The blond didn't give up, he wasn't going to yet.

The hooded man made his way down a flight of stairs and Katsuki assisted himself with using his quirk.

However, before the crossing the man turned around, holding the knife outwards towards the blond as Katsuki came to an abrupt stop.

Many gasps filled the surrounding as people backed away and Katsuki panted.

So this was the bad feeling, the bad feeling that was eating him up...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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