Chapter 27

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A knock on the door had sounded and with that Deku mumbled a come in as he was sat at his desk, working on some paper work. The black haired male entered. Dabi.

''How are you holding up?'' He asked, the masked villain chuckled. ''Better than ever, the plan is still commencing tonight'' Deku orders as the black haired male smiles. The masked had always known what was going through his head, it was crazy how he was always on point.

''There's a heavy hail tonight'' Dabi spoke and the masked villain turned from his seat and with that he took of his mask. ''Don't make me repeat myself Toya'' The use of the villains last name had sent shivers down his spine. His last name was never used unless the villain was angry or wanted his instruction to be followed without repetition.

He nodded. ''As you wish'' He left the room, feeling himself catch a breath of air. That was more tense than usual.

He made his way up some set of stairs before he found himself back to his working station. His other desk mate opposite him spoke causing him to flinch, right then and there his fingers trembled.

''So what did he say?'' The blue haired villain asked with his groggy voice. The blue eyed villain cleared his throat in attempt to immobilise his shaky fingers. ''He said the plan is still on'' he muttered out before his fingers danced on his keyboard. ''You serious, i have to get messy tonight'' the villain complained before he was met with silence.

Curious the villain stood from his desk to be met with a threatened Dabi which caused his eyes to widen in response and confusion. ''Why are you so googly eyed?'' The male asked as Dabi sighed, his shoulders falling into their own comfort. ''I'd never been so terrified'' He admitted.

The other villain smirked as he walked to the other side and with that pulled his wheelie chair sitting beside his partner in crime.   ''Oooo tell me, tell me'' The villain pried causing the other to frown as he pushed him away placing his palm on Shigarakis forehead and gently forcing him away.

''Wow'' The male frowned in disappointment and with that he returned to his own workspace in catastrophe.

Dabi stood from his own and with that he went over to the corners of the room, watching out of the window as it hailed heavily. They were going to proceed in this weather.

Ever since the villain had returned from his date with the training hero he had been rather, serious and his expression held.. determination and alone they were fierce. It's as if he had been rejected and now he was being rather unusual. It was terrifying, he hadn't cracked a smile or left his room apart from night times.

He wandered what had occurred that night, but of course, he had no guts of asking, even though Deku had an innocent yet dark childhood, that didn't change anything as of now.

A tap on his shoulder caused him to turn and with that he did to be met with his partner in crime Shigaraki. A cup with water was in his grasp and with that he inched it towards Dabi as the male took it gratefully. Even though they were both striving on different targets they could greatly support eachother, and that's all that was needed.

He sipped from the cup he had been offered and the two stood in the silence. They watched the heavy hail.

This was going to be interesting.

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