Chapter 26

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''Katsuki?'' Aizawa questioned as he stood right opposite the blonds desk. Glancing the blond did he mumbled a ''Yes'' before his professor had motioned him outside the classroom. Following just as his teacher wanted, he stood, causing his chair to screech beneath his feet and with that he left the room.

There was something odd to Mr Aizawa about his student, usually during the week, he would start arguments, but he was rather silent and he was in his seat. Could it have been because of the recent incidents?

Other than that he had instructed his students to complete the work he had set before he stepped outside his classroom, meeting with the blond he was once again, far in his head.

''Katsuki'' he repeated, gaining the training heroes attention. ''Are you okay? you seem rather distracted'' He confessed as he crossed his arms, allowing his body to fall against the concrete wall. ''I am, just didn't get enough sleep'' Katsuki admitted.

The black haired male sighed. His student was clearly lying and he couldn't tell why. Half a week had passed by, the blond looked fine, but he looked as if though he was committing a crime. ''Is sleep all there really is to it?'' his professor pried.

The blond couldn't help but let out a sigh as he let his head fall to glance at his feet. ''Whatever it is, you can tell me'' The male spoke awaiting for a reply before he gained a reply he never thought he would ever receive.

''No i can't, because i'd end up being in trouble'' Katsuki looked deeply into his professors eyes, his expression was full of emotions and uncertainty, he looked hurt? He turned on his heel before heading back into the classroom.

Katsuki knew he was acting way to obvious but his mind just couldn't piece together the villain. He kept rethinking of the story and his mind kept replying the scene that unfolded right before him.


''I was seen as a monster'' Deku confessed before he audibly sniffled which caused the blond to snap his head towards the male. Was the villain really crying right before him?

Panicked he was unsure of how to comfort the masked villain, so he slid himself beside the villain, to the point their knees were in contact and with that he let his shivering had fall onto Deku's back. 

He wasn't good at comforting, but this was something his mother tended to do to him when she knew words weren't always the answer.

''You shouldn't just throw away the memories, you can't throw them away no matter how hard you try'' the blond spoke. he rubbed gentle circles on the villain before he cleared his throat, letting his eyes follow the flow of the water. The breeze comforted him as he comforted the villain.

''I know, but i have to'' The villain spoke. Deku cleared his own throat and with that they sat the rest of the night in comforting silence.

This wasn't a villain, this was someone who was just seeking to do good and be accepted by society. However, he had no option but to cause harm.


His eyes fell towards the window as he watched the cloud pass. The sun that was pushing past the clouds in attempt to shroud the sphere with any sort of warmth, however it seemed to fail in attempt as Dark clouds began introducing themselves in.

He sighed letting his hand rest in his palm, and his eyes continued to linger towards the sky.

This was how the villain must have felt, his world being covered in the flaming sun, but soon the dark clouds were beginning to creep in and soon they shattered his world.

A hail of rain began attacking the world as the students glanced towards class windows.

''Oh damn, it's raining'' Mina spoke in disappointment.

Katsuki frowned. Oh damn was right.

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