Chapter 16

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''What do we have?'' The masked villain spoke as he entered the meeting room, he was greeted by a bright day and the gorgeous view outside the window of trees and the sky and he smiled before he headed to Dabi's desk, he took a seat beside the villain and with that watched the screen of the monitor and he read the information regarding yesterdays problem.

The masked villain saved the training hero Katsuki Bakugo???!!!!

On a Saturday evening around seven thirty PM the wild villains had attacked XXXXX city, during this Katsuki Bakugo was present during the attack, assisting innocent people to safety but soon having himself wrapped in the villains grasp, he was suffering having escaped it as his hands were trapped behind his back under extreme pressure, only one hero seemed to be at the scene.
However, that soon changed as out of nowhere, the LOV had appeared, but only Dabi and the so called masked villain that we still do not know name of.  A change of events had happened that evening, the villains were there fighting their team? It leaves a lot of innocent people questioning what had happened as Dabi the well know villain had blocked their view with his blue fire, so what had happened inside that blue fire is still a question to others.
All that is taken from that evening is the training heroes disappearance once again, have the LOV taken him again? And why did they save him?

Pro heroes had arrived just at the ending but unfortunately the LOV have escaped to a location with Katsuki Bakugo that no one is yet sure of and the wild villains had ran for the escape. The top priority for the pro heroes were the injured people on the scene and the missing Katsuki Bakugo once again.


The masked villain sighed before he stood. ''Nothing interesting, not like their questioning Katsuki's loyalty to being a pro hero'' Dabi looked at the villain before he nodded. ''It seems so, but of course if people online group together, unfortunately they will come up with all sorts of stories'' Dabi announced and the masked villain couldn't disagree.

When it came to online scandals, everyone done such deep searches and the villain couldn't lie, some of them were accurate and hard to dismiss, but some of them always missed the mark but were entirely wrong.

''It's fine, if anything, remove any sort that sound accurate, in an instance'' The villain ordered and with that, the black haired villain nodded before he returned back onto the device.

Shigaraki stood there, waiting for his next order. ''Shigaraki.. you can take the hero back today, back to the same place, I have some shit to deal with'' He ordered, and the blue haired nodded. With that the masked villain left and returned back to the room where the blond was resting at, he would have to put ointment on his injury again.


''Why would the villain save him, i still don't understand..''Midnight spoke as she was sat at the couch in the meeting room with Aizawa and All might, they all sat silent after what she had said and they couldn't reply back, it really was a mystery. Why would a villain save a hero, and then where did Katsuki go, this was the second time he had been kidnapped and definitely by the LOV.

The only information the heroes had was that the masked villain is part of the LOV and that the first time he was also taken by the LOV, but they had no further information about the masked villain, or where the LOV were now located. Katsuki also didn't mention anything about the masked villain being there so is it possible the LOV are hiding the masked villain.

The heroes were at a dead end, they had no explanation for anything. And news reporters were already out side of their school, they had to give the students from UA a day rest because one they were unsure if the students were safe and they couldn't go training apart from the training ground they had in UA.

''I don't understand either, villain that saves a hero, it doesn't make sense unless Bakugo and the villain know each other'' Aizawa mumbled as he was staring down into his hands, he was playing with a yogurt bag that he drank out of just a few minutes ago.

''You think Bakugo and the villain know each other?'' All might repeated in question and the heroes looked at each other, there was no way, but it did make sense, they would just have to ask the hero once again.

They sighed in defeat, the last thing they wanted was for the hero to know the villain, there was no way a villain could have anything good to do with the hero. If anything they would have to make sure the two stopped seeing each other and they would need more information on the new villain.

''RIght then, please rest'' all might broke the ice as the heroes looked at each other before they sighed letting go. ''We shall worry when it's necessary'' he finished and with that the Pro heroes stood from their seats and they left.

All the heroes had to do was keep an eye on Katsuki, as much as they didn't like monitoring their students this was completely needed and necessary, for their safety and the rest of the students in UA.

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