chapter 20

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The door closing alerted the blonde woman as she smiled turning her body away from the kitchen. "Have you got what I asked for?" She spoke as she made her way to the front.

Indeed her son was carrying two shopping bags, but there was something about him that unsettled her. "Thank you" she shared gratitude as the blond took the bags to the kitchen for her, lifting them and placing it on her counter.

All her worries faded when she saw her sons smiling face which had surprised her, along with a small blush the seemed to begin fading, she wanted to ask but knew he would tell her it was nothing.

Maybe he had a girlfriend?

Katsuki headed for his room. Closing the door, hearing it click behind him, he smiled, unable to contain his beating heart, he was hoping his mother wouldn't be able to hear it, he managed.

Rei was a teenager he found out, they had a vivid chat about the villains, knowing that Rei had a contract between the villains, and Katsuki saw Deku's signature, seeing how neat it was.

He glanced at his fingertips, feeling them slide over the soft smooth paper and dipping into the pen that was now forever engraved into the paper, how his fingers invisibly ran over the dry ink.

But his imagination faded as he sighed, he was beginning to miss the villain, although he didn't consider Izuku a villain anymore, he was getting used to the title.

However, his mind began fading into another land of imagination. When Katsuki had knocked the larger male over and was ontop of him, it still felt like it when he thought of it, his stomach fluttered.

He had to figure out a way to meet the villains, Rei hadn't said Deku wanted to see him but he hadn't asked about it. He took out a smaller card out of his pocket and with that he stared at the numbers, debating whether he was to call the male or just leave it, and with that he sighed, removing his phone from his pocket, his fingers glided across his screen.

His phone began ringing the mysterious number until it picked up in an instant, he let the phone fall to his ear and with that he heard the familiar voice he did just a few hours ago.

''Hey'' Rei spoke over the line and with that Katsuki replied back, he was getting nervous for some reason. Despite talking to the male just before he reached his home, it's as if it was...much more surreal, he had only wished it was a certain someone else.

''I know you'd call, what's up?'' He asked as silence filled the other side of the phone, indicating that the male was full ears. Katsuki bit the bottom of his lips, the overwhelming feeling of shyness running through him like pins and needles when you sat on the same spot for too long and you restricted your blood flow.

His breathing increased in weight and with that he spoke, having to get the words off his chest.

"Deku, has he asked about me?" The blond questioned, a second of silence was heard over the phone, before a chuckle was heard from Rei.

"Do you want to speak to him?" Rei asked in curiosity, Katsuki confused as he was replied with a huh and with that the phone went silent. Glancing at the call it was still ongoing, however, there was shuffling before more silence was present.

What was going on?

A minute had walked by and with that there was finally shuffling heard on the others side, distant voices heard, and during that time, the blond connected his airpods to his device.

The voice that had escaped over the line he was unable to decipher, but he knew one thing, he felt his cheeks grown warm.

A voice over the line that had seemingly groaned before taking the phone into hold and with that the vocal voice of the male he had wanted to eagerly see was finally heard.

"Hello my hero" The villain greeted, a smile that was vocally present as he spoke. Katsuki was unable to form words, it's as if they had jammed his throat and now he was shy to speak.

The blond smiled as he was greeted and with that his voice finally escaped his cage. "Hi" He greeted, as he did he felt like he was a girl confessing her crush to a guy that she had had a crush on for so long.

"Someone's shy huh?" The masked Villain questioned over the phone in a teasing tone, the blond didn't think of answering as he pouted, soon realising he was over the phone and that the male wouldn't be able to see him. Mentally he could only think of how stupid he was.

"I guess you're wondering when we can meet again?" He asked this time and the blond only hummed in response, his lips tightly shut this time.

"Well, when do you want to meet up?" The villain asked, leaving the decision to the blond, Katsuki hummed on thought before he couldn't really figure out when, he didn't like deciding, he liked things decided for him, and as if the villain had read his mind, the villain scheduled their meet up.

"All right then, we're going to meet up next Saturday? How does that sound Hero?" Katsuki with that blushed, now impatient. Moreover the voice that the villain held he couldn't help but have butterflies flutter in his stomach.

"Yeah, we can do that" Katsuki replied.

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