Chaper 13

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 re-entering the villain did, it was just around lunch time, he came in with a plate of food and Dabi was there to accompany him, Katsuki sat up looking and he frowned at the masked villain. Deku didn't hesitate to not make eye contact, he plated the food at the bedside table. ''Dabi..sit here...and watch him, make sure he eats'' Deku spoke and with that he left.

Dabi sat down on a chair and with that the blond didn't move a muscle, until he heard the males voice. ''Eat'' the male ordered and with that the blond still made no movement, he didn't trust it, until the villain took the extra spoon that sat on the plate and he took a bite, the training heroes eyes widened as the image of the masked villain appeared and with that he looked away.

''Why are you here?'' Katsuki asked as he took the plate and with that took slow bites, making sure the flavours were all there, even though it was quite plain and flavourless, it was digestible anyways. The villain frowned at the males rudeness but he shook it off. ''Because I got told to watch over you'' he answered, he closed his eyes as his arms were crossed, and his head was held down.

''Where's Deku?'' Katsuki continued asking, even though he knew the villains posture was basically telling him to shut up and eat, he didn't listen to it and continued bothering the black haired male. ''He told me you wouldn't want to see him'' Dabi answered, his eyes were still closed. ''I never said that" the blond frowned, he hated that the masked villain assumed, and it made him fume even more, the black haired villain opened his eyes revealing it's gorgeous colour and with that he balanced his head on his shoulders looking up.

''Do you want me to bring him back?'' The villain questioned, and the two kept hard eye contact. Katsuki nodded and with that the villain stood as his clothes ruffled, and with that he left the room, the masked villain was being so annoying.

He ate in silence before the door opened to reveal the masked villain coming in, he closed the door behind him and with that he walked over to the seat that sat by the bed and he let his body collapse onto it. It was silent.

''I don't want to see you?'' Katsuki confronted as he set his unfinished plate of food back onto the bedside table, the masked villain said nothing. The blond sighed before he got out of bed, Deku looked up to see the blond approaching and with that he didn't move until the blond stood right before him.

As Deku looked away, the blond grabbed the males chin and with that he forced the male to look at him, which caught the villain by surprise, but he said nothing any further, until the blond smiled and got his face closer to the masked villain, he was unable to nod, he needed the villain to speak.

Deku's eyes widened, he hadn't expected the blond to get so close and he backed away, escaping his grip. ''Finish your food, Katsuki'' The villain spoke and the blond crossed his arms. ''Answer the fucking question'' the blond infuriated, the green haired villain sighed. ''don't fuck with me and eat your food'' The villain spat back, Katsuki scoffed, oh he was liking the side he was seeing now, the villain riled up and pissed. He smirked.

''And what if i don't?'' The blond challenged, the villain took no time approaching the blond and the blond took a few steps back before he found his knees meeting the bed. He looked back before turning his head back to the villain and he couldn't help but blush as the villains masked face got close to the side of his face. His face flushed red.

''What if you don't?'' The villain teased, the blond gulped, the green haired villain was taller than him and his build was somehow bigger than his, even through all the training Katsuki had to put himself through, and how heavy his costume was, he just couldn't compare to Deku.

''then i'll have a much painful ache than the ones on your wrist'' Katsuki pushed the villain back, his heart beating as their chests had just touched, even if the two were clothed...he wasn't used to intimate touches, he looked away and the villain chuckled.

''But seriously, i don't want to see you...t-that never came out of my mouth'' Katsuki stuttered, the masked villain hummed. '' seemed like it'' the villain spoke as he rubbed his neck, the blond sighed. ''It didn't come out of my mouth'' Katsuki explained he pouted as the villain looked before he let out a chuckle. ''Okay I'm sorry but don't act so suddenly cute'' the villain complemented.

Once again the blond flushed red as he got back into the bed and took his plate of food onto his lap and began finishing the rest. The masked villain smiled before he sat back down onto the seat by the bed and he couldn't help but like the way it was.

Their teasing, they seemed even closer than the first time they met, and the villain liked the way they spoke and teased. This was much better than avoiding each other. The green haired male watched the blond eat before he decided to open up slightly.

''You kinda brought up past memories...'' The villain confessed in a mumble, but it was still audible for the blond to hear. ''What type?'' The blond asked for further information, the villain looked into the red eyes he was familiar with, and decided there would be no harm, if the blond said anything then he could just kidnap the blond and torture him if he had to. As of now he could test the blond while he was at it, to see if he could trust the male or not.

''Just past know when you got mad reminded me of my mother'' The villain spoke, Katsuki glanced over before he nodded and with that tried finishing his food.

As of now, the blond telling anyone would be his decision, but the villain just hoped the blond wouldn't.

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