Chapter 3

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It was terrifyingly dark, like all those times the blond had experienced, he had been kidnapped quite a few times but immediately he'd be bombarded with questions that he would refuse to answer, but it was dark this time, it scared him, he hated the dark, but it was quite obvious his eyes were covered.

He felt the soft material over his eyes, it wasn't too tight or too lose, it was just right, that was odd, what villain would care whether it was tight or loose. He felt comfort but at the same time it was far too quiet, as if wearing noise cancelling headphones. It's as if you were deaf or insane. The blond finally moved, struggling against the rope that was pretty nicely done against his wrist, surely they would leave scars.

The sounding of a door opening was heard, his ears perked up, his head popped out of it's shell, before he heard speaking, a male's voice that his ears had caught, he was rather close. ''Why are you catching people we don't need?'' A voice questioned before it was accompanied by another rough one. ''We are trying to get intel on UA those pro hero's, you can't even get into that school, we need a way'' The voice answered, a sigh followed around five seconds later.

Katsuki hadn't realised but his mouth was partly open as he listened in on the conversation, he knew they were trying to get intel on UA and how to surpass it's barrier but they were stupid enough to take Katsuki again after he had just fought a battle refusing to give them any information. ''I'm sure you know Shiggy that we won't get fuck all if they're aiming to become a pro hero's'' the voice was soft yet deep and it flustered the blond slightly,

The supposed villains voice he heard didn't sound like a villains voice. It confused him why such a villain had such a delicate yet overpowering voice. He gulped the bit of saliva he had as it passed his throat, his mouth felt so dry, he closed his mouth.

The cloth overs his eye got lifted and it revealed two males, one the blond recognised and one that he hadn't. Until he let his eyes roam over the villains entire body, the hair.. the mask.. his build. It was the villain he had just watched about this morning. His eyes widened in surprise. The villain had one green eye and one that was completely white, for reasons he was unaware of.

''Think he recognises me?'' The villain asks, the other sighs. ''Probably'' he answered.
There was silence before the villain that the blond had recognised stood up from his kneeling.

''Send the kid back'' the villain spoke as he turned to the door, making his way out. Shigaraki turned towards the other in confusion before he glanced back and forth, and he spoke up. ''What do you mean? We can't just send him back?'' The villain spoke up, the other stopped. He turned 'Yes you can'' He turned once again to leave but this time the blond spoke up and as he did only a faint voice came out and he blushed of embarrassment. ''W-Wai....t.uhm..'' He let his head fall to the floor but ponce again it went silent.

The masked villain turned on his heel, he approached the training hero placing his gloved hand under the blonds chin, lifting up his face seeing how red the male had gotten. Aggressively turning his face from side to side before he hummed. ''I guess we could keep him for a while'' He muttered behind his mask. Shigaraki had said nothing as the footsteps once again got faint and they were no longer heard.

Shigaraki sighed before staring at the villain before he turned heading out but was stopped by the booming voice ''Wait!'' Katsuki exclaimed, the villain turned confused. ''What do you want?'' He asked impolitely, Katsuki frowned. '' Rude Asshole, where the fuck am i?'' He spat, the villain could only turn back around, completely evading his question. ''You'll be let out soon''

The metal bar door shut and with that the sound of keys jingling before a lock was present, clicked and with that Shigaraki had taken the keys not so stupid as to leave them behind. Surely Katsuki could just burn off the ropes. However, he couldn't risk it, he would injure himself in the process, moreover, tire himself out if he used his quirk now. Pouting he sat in defeat, hoping he was to be asked by the pro heroes soon.

Even sitting there for five minutes he was bored and it had never felt longer than ever, he only wondered what the heroes were doing, were they looking for him?

''GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE DAMNIT'' The blond yelled of frustration, yet he was greeted with the silence.

Struggling further with his restraints, he tired himself out. His legs were tied, his torso was tied, his arms were tied and his wrists were tied, the more he sat, the more frustrated he got. ''FOR FUCK SAKES!'' He continued complaining, but soon came to realisation that fighting and complaining wasn't going to get him out.

He decided to glance around to realise he was in a dark room, no source of light apart from the blue torches that surrounded him, Metal bars that sat right ahead of him, across him being another cellar, and then in between those cellars was a elongated corridor. Just where the hell was he, last time he was caught he wasn't here before and it looks much more...upgraded.

When he allowed his eyes to glaze around him, he couldn't tell the time, considering he couldn't see the outside at all, but he could tell what part of the day it was and he knew it was night, because his eyes were drooping closed and he felt tired, even if it was uncomfortable, he couldn't help he was tired and he had a time to follow.

He allowed sleep to overtake.

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