Chapter 31

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Fluttering his blond eyelashes, the male groaned as his sleep was disrupted. Forcing his body up from the comforts of his bed, he grabbed the source of noise, which was his phone, and with that, he answered the call, not glancing at the caller.

"What?" He mumbled, his voice tired as he yawned. However, his face flushed red. "Good morning," a voice spoke from the other side of the device. It has been a while since the two spoke, so this was sudden.

"Uhm. morning," Katsuki mumbles, he pushed the phone away from his ear, gathering his feelings quickly in a massive bundle before he places it towards his ear again.

"You were sleeping, huh?" The villain teases over the other side of the phone, smiling. "I was, and it's far too early. Why are you up?" Katsuki asks. All of a sudden, the tiredness from him leaves, and he feels much more awake.

Katsuki turned his body over, laying his weight on his back.

"I... couldn't sleep," Deku admits, letting his head fall on his arm, resting it. Katsuki didn't reply back. He only smiled. "It's been a while. How come you call?" The blond asks.

He yawns.

The room for Katsuki was dark, and it was peaceful. He felt safe and enclosed, and having the villain on the other line made the male miss him.

"I miss you,"

Silence filled the line.

Katsukis heart began hammering against his chest. He didn't know how to respond. He missed the villain too, yet he couldn't reply back. His body had a wave ofbheat rush over his body.

"Hmm you don't have to say it, I'm more than happy to express my feelings" The villain mumbled, Katsuki could tell that the male was smiling over the line, as if he had won a jackpot.

Katsuki himself was smiling, hearing that he wasn't the only one who was missing the villain. Although things haven't been easy at first and the online scandals, things had seemed to die down.

Katsukis room was cool, it wasn't too hot or too cold, it was luke warm. His blankets were draped over his body, warming his skin and body as he laid relaxed.

The sky was yet dark, and the room was pitch black. Other than that, his eyes could just adjust to the darkness and make out exactly what was situated in his room.

The villains voice was deep. It overpowered Katsukis just by the slightest, but the way he spoke his words just made him more attractive.

"Let's meet up," the villain stated. He didn't ask in question. He simply demanded, and the blond couldn't refuse to. "When?" He asked, forwarding the offer and aiding the male to plan on their meeting.

"Today, I'll have someone come pick you up," the male suggested as Katsuki hummed in approval.

There was something that was bothering the blond, though. It was unusual for the villain to be up so early, let alone call the blond at such a hideous timing, so the male came to the conclusion that the villain was in a rather unusual mood.

The blond was so distracted that he hadn't realised that the villain was calling him from the other side of the line.

"Hey!" Finally, the voice caused the blond to jump out of his thoughts, and with that, the blond sighed, apologising silently as he let his thoughts wash him away.

"What are you thinking about, other than me?" Katsuki couldn't reply. He pursed his lips together in defence before letting his voice and his thoughts form words.

"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked concerned, causing the villain to huff in stress. "Why are you asking?" Deku asked in return. "I asked first, you answer," Katsuki spoke.

This time, he wouldn't allow the villains' dominance to win over making him answer, and this time, he was going to have the villain answer him first.

"So strict, that's hot," the villain teased, causing the blond to blush once again. However, this was a distraction, and the blond knew it.

"Answer the question, Deku," Katsuki mumbled, hoping his smiling face wouldn't expose his mood. "Fine, yeah, I'm in a shit mood."

Katsuki sighed, relieved. The male was finally honest.

"What's up?" Katsuki asked in concern.

The fact that he was asking caused the villain to frown. Not many asked, apart from Dabi that asked, but he wasn't expecting Katsuki to ask.

"It's not important," the villain mumbled, attempting to conceal whatever ruined his mood. "Not important, my ass" Katsuki spat, hating the fact that the villain was still trying to conceal his feelings.

"I'll tell you, when we meet up" Katsuki smiled slightly.

He just wanted to know.

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