Chapter 4

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A Snap filled the blonds ears, he awoke to it's sound, allowing his eyes to open and awaken, his whole body in pain due to leaning forward as he was tied. He glanced around his vision in a blur before he caught the sight of someone sitting on what seemed to be a bed as they were breaking something between their fingers. His vision cleared and with that it was that villain with the white mask.

''You're awake?'' The voice asked greeting as he let go of the twigs that he was just snapping and he leaned forward, letting his elbows rest on his knees. The blond didn't answer but he stared at the broken twigs, clearly he had been sitting there for a while if there was a pile of twigs resting in between his feet, Katsuki glanced back into the villains face, before he looked away. ''Let me fucking go'' The blond hissed in annoyance.

The villan didn't react in any way, he wasn't intimidated of any sort, but he wasn't expecting the sudden outburst. ''we will, just not now, since the other villains don't want to'' The male spoke.

Once again the blond frowned, but then again, he was confused, the villain just called the others villains too. He was so calm and collected for a vilain.''W-well know you're not getting shit from me'' Katsuki stuttered before he blushed of embarassment.

The sound of sprngs squeeking along with the body of the villains standing , Katsuki inched back, intimidated by the villains height and build. The green haired villain approached the blond as he gulped, he had never been so nervous, but he assumed it was the fact that he had no information or knowledge of who this villain was, his quirk or appearance.

He felt pretty useless.

Katuki had gotten so distracted he had'nt realised the vilain was no longer by the bed and distanced but he was sat right before him. His eyes widened and he jerked his head backwards in surprise.

The villain chuckled and Katsuki looked fascinated before he looked away, why was the villain attracting him, his voice, why? he questioned himself.

''I'm not expecting to get anything out of you'' the villain spoke, Katsuki was confused, this villain was weird and he didn't like it. ''You're being weird..'' The blond hadn't realised he said it out loud until he got an answer in response.

''Me? weird?'' The villain repeated, the blond once again flustered red, his brain and thoughts were so jumbled up an disorganised. He hated it, he didn't like how he felt.

''Fuck off'' he spat but the villain did nothing, he continued sitting there. Even if Kasuki was glaring, the villain was unfazed...just who was this villain. ''How rude'' The villain mumbled as he stood. The blond gulped.

''Look at you in fear, yet you put on a harder shell than you can carry'' A gentle hand was placed on the blonds cheek, this time, the villains hand was bare. HIs hand was.. veiny and it had scratches on it. His skin connected with the blonds cheek and his skin was rough..yet it was a nice warm touch.

''fuck you'' The blond replied defensively before his body shivered at the chuckle the male let out, he pulled his head away from the touch of the male, But his head was brought back, with a strong hold and he was forced to stare into the villains eyes.

''You're not so bad'' The villain spoke, Katsuki didn't answer, he couldn't get his voice out.

They were broken by the sound of footsteps which were slowly getting closer, the villain distanced himself, stepping out before greeting a member that this time was not shigaraki but Dabi.

''Hi what do you need?'' The villain asked, Dabi walked into the room that the blond was sat in. Dabi stared before letting his head turn to the other. ''Are you going to eat him or what? don't feed the kid twigs'' Dabi spoke causing the other villain to laugh in a nervous manner.

''I was getting to that'' The green haired villain mumbled, the blond's brow twitched. ''I am Not a kid'' he frowned, but he was ignored.

''Get to it then'' The black haired male ordered before the other sighed before he left. Dabi and Katsuki were left to eachothers company.

It seemed that no one was really the leader there but the male that had just been forced out seemed more dominant than the others. However, he was more of a pushover.

''Bakugo right?''The villain asked, the blond frowned, he didn't answer, they should know he wouldn't answer. Indeed he didn't. Dabi sighed, he crossed his arms, his blue eyes staring right into those fiery red ones. ''We'll let you go, it was an accident bringing you here'' The villain confessed.

The blond stared, before he started to question it, why would they let him go without asking him to expose anything, it was all far too suspicious but it all pointed to that new villain that appeared. He allowed his mouth to open and with that he was able to ask the question he wanted. ''What is this place??'' He looked around yet he couldn't find anything he was familiar with, he wasn't on a wooden floor or there was no wood surrounding him.

Moreover the atmosphere of the place was..dingy and the air felt compact and...cramped even though it was spacious. Dabi didn't answer the blond, and of course he was expecting it, he hadn't answered his question so it was only fair. But it was far more awkward sitting with Dabi than the new villain, that was odd.

The villains voice broke out, deep and intimidating without trying. ''This place? Is our new home'' He smiled. Katsuki frowned.

How could you call such a dark place home?..

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