Chapter 18

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Thrusting his body up, the male panted as he had just hit fifty lifts. "Need water?"Dabi asked as he watched the masked villain, who was no longer masked. Lately its been peaceful, the Internet had calmed down, and Katsuki's reputation had been kept on a low.

The unmasked villain dropped his weights dangerously and with that approached his partner taking the bottled water into his grip.

"Thanks" the male appreciated and the other villain rolled his eyes.

Deku sighed as he felt his muscles really take a toll on him and begin to ache in pain, though, he wasn't done with his set. He glanced at his watch before returning the bottle and returning to his weights.

"Half a set left, that's all, I hope you have some valuable intel" The villain spoke as he lifted the weights, the other villain smiled. "I won't dissapoint" He answered and with that he watched the villain do half his set before the two headed back.


Dabi sat on the comforts of his chair and he smiled unable to contain the excitement he had to tell the villain. The masked villain sat beside him, even though he was drenched in sweat he found it quite calming, the green haired male didn't overly sweat.

"Well what is it?" The villain mumbled as he scooted closer to the black haired villain. The male toon in a breath before releasing and with that he began speaking.

"Well here's the thing" He started.


It was a weekend finally, and Katsuki woke up rather late, knowing he didn't have to stress on getting up early, it was rather quiet meaning his classmates were also rather silent and most probably sleeping.

No one was up early on a weekend.

However, Katsuki had gotten enough sleep for the day, he got out of his bed, letting his body awaken as it felt numb and limp until the blood really started rushing though his entire body.

He let out a yawn and he had only realised he had gotten good sleep, despite not seeing the villain he wanted to for some time, he was able to manage it without getting careless.

He slipped on some slippers and made his way to the living room that was on the ground floor and with that he was met with Kirishima, Kaminari and Todoroki the only ones awake and present.

They glanced to see the blond and they smiled.

"Good morning" they greeted. The blond nodded in response as he yawned once again. He headed for the couch and right beside Todoroki to see what the male was watching and indeed it was the news.

"It's still baffles me how everyone had just forgotten of the appearance of the masked villain, no one knows of him, apart from the Training hero Katsuki Bakugo, there must be some way to find more about him, he should be appearing soon"

Escaped the TV and the blond bit his lip in frustration. He wasn't surprised that people were on him but he couldn't believe it was still slightly mentioned on the news.

"I really don't think the training hero has anything to do with the villain, and we had heard it from the pro hero's themselves at the conference that was held the the blond had no intel on the villains apart from the villain that he saw and his surroundings, he's an innocent teenager he must be in fear"

Another spoke as they sat beside their partner in the news room where their live broadcast was being held. Katsuki sighed, he couldn't act suspicious he just had to act like himself.

"You can't trust anyone nowadays"

The news reporter argued before the other shook his head and smiled.

"The student has an unpleasant memory and past with villains, I'm sure he wouldn't just switch for no reason"

With that Katsuki had heard enough as he got up to make his daily cup of Tea of Chai, he closed his eyes as he let the sound of the kettle boil.

The Hero had a sense of trust for the villain and he knew thing were going to be okay, they were going to go down hill possibly but he knew soon he would be able to rely on the villain.

There was no doubt that soon his secret would be found out and he'd get kicked out of UA but he wasn't deeply bothered about it, or maybe he was underestimating the feeling that was surely to come with it.

Another body joined him at the kitchen and it was Todoroki, taking control of a cabinet door he opened it, pulling on it and taking out Soba classic and with that he waited for the kettle to ease in its boiling.

"It's been a crazy few months huh?" He mumbled speaking to the blond. The blond and him didn't converse much but sometimes they could share a few commentaries here and there, and it was just that time.

"Yeah I guess so" the blond mumbled in agreement, Todoroki smiled. "I'm sorry for ehat you have been through" He comforted, the blond nodded. " It's fine we all go through some sort of shit, nothing I'm not used to"

Their conversation ended there as the blond poured himself a cup, handing over the kettle to the split coloured male and with that he headed for the couch, seeing that Kaminari and Kirishima were playing a card game.

The weekend was peaceful, silence.

The feeling had sunk in a few on how much the blond was beginning to miss the villain and all but he shook his head and went on, he was unsure of when they would be able to see him as he had no communication with the male.

He sat at the couch, allowing his weight to sink in just like his feeling and with that he let his head fall back.

It was a relaxing weekend.

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