Chapter 17

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''Katsuki you need to tell us if you know something we don't, this could be of so much help to us, or many of us out there, keep other innocent people safe from harm'' midnight spoke. Katsuki sighed as he looked her in the eyes. ''There's nothing i know damn, why do you keep pushing for fucks sakes'' Katsuki frustrated. The heroes went silent as they stared at Katsuki and with that they decided to give it up.

Maybe they really were just asking and maybe he really didn't have anything for them. ''Not even a little bit?'' Midnight asked, prying for the last time, Katsuki looked down before he looked back up, he was going to say something but then, it would seem that he is hiding more than he is telling them.

''No'' he replied sternly, when it came to Katsuki lying you couldn't tell if he was or not, which he had an advantage in, the heroes gave up at that least and with that they sighed in clear defeat.

''All right are free to go'' all might spoke and with that the blond got up, muttering under his breath in anger and he left. This was a big risk for the heroes, they doubted Katsuki and most probably lost his trust, but they had to do it, just in case he had known of something, anything.

Katsuki walked down the hallway, making his way to the dorms, and as he did, everyone was waiting for him, they were worried for their classmate and finally kirishima his closest friend there stood up. ''Everything alright?'' He asked seeing that the blond was clearly frustrated, as of now, Katsuki had to keep up his play. He walked over before taking a seat on the green couches there and he sighed, letting his head fall back.

''They were doubting me'' He explained as the students listened all huddled up at the couches together. They frowned looking at each other and feeling pity for the blond before Kaminari spoke. ''a lot had been going around on the internet about you and the villain and i guess they had questions too'' Kaminari levelled out and the others nodded. That was true, the public was going crazy.

A lot of pressure was on the students too about it. Katsuki didn't like the fact that he had to lie but it was necessary, and he couldn't believe that he was saying that, he despised villains only just about before he met deku and now he was taking the back of a villain. But he wasn't lying entirely, he really knew nothing of the villain, except his name, but his name would be nothing of help, so there was no point.

There was silence where all the students were sat, and no one had anything to say, they were unsure of what to say. This was something they had never expected to happen, this was a turn of events.

An unfamiliar voice spoke and everyone looked, it was Satou, heads turned towards him and he held a smile on his face as he shared a suggestion. ''Why don't we all do something together and take our mind off of the events?'' He suggested in question and everyone smiled and nodded.


Katsui had passed on cooking treats, he returned back to his dorm and with that, let everyone have fun. He was being suspected and he wasn't surprised. The heroes had every right to suspect him, what happened was unexplainable, the way the villain just came out of nowhere and saved the training hero, it really was a scandal for those online, and he was sure he wouldn't be able to hide it any longer.

Any time soon, someone would figure him out, but as of now he could act. It was only when his body hit the bed that he realised he would lose everything if the villain and him were to have anything between them, he was completely aware that everything would go down the drain of him being a hero if everyone found out, for some reason only a little part of him seemed to care.

He sighed, he already missed the villain, and it annoyed him because he knew the villain and him wouldn't see each other any sooner, and it annoyed him, but he would try to endure it as much as he could. Taking his phone into possession he took his headphones and with that connected them Bluetooth and with that he placed them against his ears, he let a random playlist of songs play before he headed to sleep.

He may aswell waste time and sleep while he could and train until the next time he could see the villain.


Swinging the knife around the female handed it over to the masked villain as he held it against the animal like villain, he placed the knife to the villains throat. ''Who were you after?'' The villain asked as he pressed the knife to the males throat.

His palms began heating up and the metal began melting and dripping onto the males fur and the male winced in pain before he tried kicking, but the villain chuckled. ''We weren't after anyone!'' The other villain yelled as his body shook from the heat of the metal. ''then, what were you doing with the blond?'' The villain asked further as he allowed the melted knife, that had now gotten though like before, to run through his fur.

The villain used his quirk to melt the metal and with that the trapped villain continued further. ''He went in the way, so i had to grab him-'' Before he could finish, the green haired male heated up the knife with his palm, and with that the metal began melting again.

''You do not touch him'' The masked villain growled, and with that he let the rest of the metal drip down on the villains fur, as the other villain yelped in pain, meanwhile the two villains part of their group watched as they were held back.

Deku glared at the male, seeing the pain the male was enduring, but he couldn't care less, this was the revenge he took for Katsuki.

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