Not this time..

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  When I got there I was in tears. I kept praying in my head, praying to God that he wouldn't let him leave me. They wanted me to stay in the waiting room. I asked the women if I could see him.

  " Are you a relative? " The lady said holding a clipboard in hand. " I'm his wife. " I said as tears were falling.

  " Okay, Mrs. Teller right this way. " She said as she lead me to his room. I hope he is okay. When I entered the room I felt my heart sank.

  He had wires all over him. He had a tube in his mouth. He was already in a gown that was looking like just a green plastic around his body. I kept having tears in my eyes.

  The lady noticed and handed me a box of tissues. I thanked her and got it from her. I went and sat on a leather chair that was right next to the bed. Then held his hand while still in tears.

  " I'll leave you two alone to talk. He is unconscious so he can't talk back but he still can hear you." She said as she closed the door. I then spoke.

  " I'm so sorry Jax. " I say as I couldn't hold it in and sobbed on his arm and kept kissing his hand. "I'm so sorry. Baby I'm so sorry. "

  I said as I was still sobbing. I then go over to him and lay next him. I wanted to see where he got shot. I lifted his gown so all I saw was him in his white boxers.

  I smiled sadly at the thought of what I was doing right now. I then saw a bullet mark when they got it off his chest near his heart. The bullet was not where he could of been killed instantly. He needs to wake up so things could go back to the way it was.

  I put the gown back on his body as I then go and lay on his chest. I went and kissed his head not wanting to leave him not wanting to leave this room without him. I was holding him from the right side of his body where I was. Only if he could hold me back.

  Only if Jax Teller didn't save me, I would be in this bed dying if it wasn't for him. I would be in these wires not him. I would be in physical pain and he wouldn't. Only if we could change places.

  Only if he didn't save me I would be dead. I would of died on that concrete ground losing all of my blood and not him. Why would he do this.
  Then I look at him and sob some more. It was because Jax Teller loves me so much he would give up his life for me. Give up everything just so he could save me. I couldn't believe it.

  I don't get why he would do it. But he must really care about me. About me long enough to take his life for me. I still don't get why he did it.

  I know it sounds stupid but Jax after everything that happened he was the one who saved me tonight.

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