I love you to..

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Emma's pov~

When we were in the awkward moment I held on to Jax's hand so happy that Jax came back to me. I knew that he would. That's how powerful our love is. My mom thought it was a good idea to go ran in Jax's arms as a your home or something. He let go of my hand and hugged my mom back. I'm glad that everyone is getting along. I got to take Jax to my family members that he has or hasn't ment. We went down the line which was hard to do. Knowing that he has to deal with them for a very long time. After he ment the family members we got some alone time. We were talking and then music starting playing. Not sure how or why but I think that it's a good time to have a dance. " Would you like this dance with me sir? " I said as I got up and headed out my hand that I wanted Jax to take. " I would love to ma'ma. " He said as he put his arms around me. As I put my arms around his neck. I'm so glad I got to see him again. I get to see him now forever. I'm so happy knowing I don't have to think about losing him. I know we died young and didn't get the future like we wanted. But I feel so much better now then I have my whole life. I will never get used to this. I'll never stop being happy again. As long as this man is by my side. He is my forever and always. That will never change. " I love you so much Jackson. " I said as he are just swaying around now. " I love you to Emma. " He said as he held on to me. I'll never stop saying that. I'm just so glad I got him and he has me. Because I'm his old lady and he is my old man.

The end:) 

Hey guys. I'm sorry but i'm going to start editing this story as my others ones to.. So if you want you can check them out to. Thank you guys for reading this story as it was my first story and it ment a lot to me and it is not the best one I've done but I wanted to try it and see if I could try. So yeah. Sorry this is long but I wanted to show my thanks.

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