Saiki K Presents: Nendou's "Amazing" Coin Collection... Part 1 of 4

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I was born with psychic powers. Of course, for some reason, I wasn't able to foresee this most recent turn of events -- with Kaidou becoming the most popular guy in school, Toritsuka getting caught in a love triangle with Aiura and Rifuta, and Nendou ending up in jail. 

It all started with Nendou's "amazing" coin collection...

(opening the door to his house)
Hey, Buddy... and Little Buddy!... Glad you could come over and visit!... Come right in!... Mom's hanging out with some of her friends today, so we have the house all to ourselves.

(stepping into the entry-way, excited and dramatic as always)
This is so cool! I can't wait to see that awesome coin collection!.... I wonder if you have something from an ancient criminal syndicate, obsessed with world domination, only to be defeated at the hands of THE JET BLACK --

[Let's fast-forward through Kaidou's fantasy story. For those who care, he goes on for a while about DARK REUNION infiltrating the Third Dynasty of Ancient Egypt].

You should see the "Buffalo Nickel" I got a few weeks ago!

Wow. That's really cool! It actually has a buffalo on it?

[Why are they so excited]?

It's actually an American Bison, but yeah, isn't that cool?

Heck yeah, bro! I remember you showed me that "Mercury Dime," and I was blown away!

[I don't even know why I'm here. I couldn't care less about coins.... but my mom insisted...]

(in Saiki's mind)
Oh, Kuuu!... It's so nice of your friend to invite you over!... Oh don't make that face, Little Kuuu.... (then in a demonic voice) YOU'RE GOING TO NENDOU'S HOUSE TO ADMIRE HIS COIN COLLECTION. ARE WE CLEAR ON THAT?...

[My mom can go from sweet to terrifying in a matter of seconds. Let's get back to the actual story. The three of us are sitting in NENDOU's living room now].

(looking in both directions and then back to SAIKI and KAIDOU, then whispering)
I actually have a something really cool to share, just found it yesterday... It's super secret, though.... Can you guys keep a secret?

(nodding vigorously)

[I don't care enough to share this with anyone else].

(looking in both directions again, still whispering, pulling out a briefcase)
I found this laying in the street the other day.
(opens the briefcase to reveal that it's filled with gold coins)

(jumping up and lunging toward NENDOU)
What?!... Nendou, that has to be MILLIONS of --

(grabbing KAIDOU and covering his mouth)
Shhhh, Little Buddy. It's a secret

(muffled, under NENDOU's hand)
OK, OK, let me go!

(reaching out to touch the briefcase, using psychometry)
[Wait. This briefcase belongs to--]

SAIKO METORI is the token rich kid at PK Academy. He once tried to have my dad transferred to Siberia just so Teruhashi would agree to date him. Thankfully, with the help of Cyborg Cider Man Number Two, Saiko's plans were foiled. Now he's standing in NENDOU'S doorway, arms on his hips, with his theme song playing triumphantly in the background. What a pain.

(arrogantly laughing)
I knew it. I knew you pathetic plebes are the thieves who stole my gold. (turning to his GOONS) Seize them!

(running toward NENDOU, ignoring KAIDOU and SAIKI)
Hey, kid!... Get over here!... Gimme that gold!

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