19 year old Oliver Shaw, a young church boy, with a good head on his shoulders slowly falls in love with a strung out teen mom while trying to lead her to a healthier path.
Leslie: are you coming to Sunday school with us or you'll meet us there ?
Oliver: I'll just meet y'all there( sitting up) it's going to take me a minute to get ready, plus Darius asked me to pick him up since his car down
Leslie: okay, well we are about to head out. Don't be late
Oliver: yes ma'am
(His mom walks out)
Oliver pov: I'm Oliver Shaw and I'm 19.My mother and father own a church. My dad is the pastor and my mom is First Lady. The church is the main part of my life, but don't get me wrong when I'm not at church I like to turn up. I don't have a girlfriend at the moment but in the future, when I get one,imma give her the whole world. I forced myself to get out the bed and walk over to my bathroom so I could start getting ready. I rarely go to Sunday school cause I'm always waking up late. I gotta be there in time for service though because I play the drums. I took a shower and did the rest of my morning routine before getting dressed. I'm ready for today's word.
Georgia: walking into her daughters room) Charmaine get up, I told you we were going to church today
Charmaine: (groans) ma I just got to sleep, Chloe kept me up all night
Georgia: I don't care, with us just moving here and new to the community we need to go. Get ready and I mean now
Charmaine:(sighs) yes ma'am
Charmaine pov: I'm Charmaine Jones and I'm 18 years old. I'm a single mother of a beautiful 3 month old baby girl named Chloe. Me and her dad aren't together but he does provide for her some times. My life pretty rough but y'all will see that pretty soon. Anyways I got up and quickly did my morning routine because I know my baby girl would be waking up soon. Once I was dressed, I picked her up, fed her, changed her clothes and we were almost ready to go. I strapped her into the car seat, grabbed the diaper bag and my purse and went downstairs. I sat my baby by the couch so I could put on the couch and here comes Reggie my mama boyfriend.
Reggie: nice dress Charmaine( looking her up and down)
Charmaine:( uncomfortable)thank you
Reggie:(walks over to her ) let me help with your shoes (sliding his hand down her leg)
Charmaine:pushes him away ) Mama!!
Reggie:( covers her mouth) do you want me to fuck you up? Cause that's what's finna happens if you say a word to your mama. You know what I'm capable of .(let's her go)
Charmaine: leave me alone please
Reggie:(picks her up) just relax
Georgia:(walking back in the house) y'all two are some of the most slowe- what is going on?
Reggie: backs up) I told you she was a little fast something, she trying to get me to have sex wit her !
Charmaine: what !? No I wasn't mama. He's was touching on me. I kee-(gco)
Georgia: Charmaine you little hoe ! You trying to sleep with my man ?
Reggie: woah babe calm down come on let's head to church
Georgia: Charmaine get ya ass in the car, I'll deal with you later
Charmaine pov: in case y'all haven't noticed my mama don't care about me for real. Only thing on her mind is to keep her nigga happy. It's what matters to her. I picked up the baby and walked out the house and to the driveway. I told y'all my life was rough.
( Oliver Shaw 19)
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(Charmaine Jones 18)
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