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Misty; you're pregnant !?

Charmaine; yeah, found out this morning. I was gone tell him but he was acting all weird today(sighs) I just can't believe this shit

Misty: I know it's fucked up but I know you love him and he loves you. Just give it sometimes and calm down then y'all sit down and talk

Oliver:(on the phone with his mom) I cheated ma, my artist is pregnant with my kid

Leslie: I can not believe you oliver ! Charmaine has been the best wife and been so good to you. Why would you do this to her?

Oliver: I was drunk and we slipped up (sighs) she took her ring off mama. I don't want this to be the end of our marriage. I love her so much

Leslie: you need to give her time to cool off. You don't know how it feels to be cheated on, it hurts and I'm speaking from experience. You may have just lost your wife for good Oliver.

Later that night;

Chloe: mama coming home ?

Oliver: fixing their plates) I don't know

Chloe: why you do it?

Oliver: Chloe not now okay

Chloe: yes now, mama has been so loyal to you, you know how many times my dad tried to get her to leave you and be with him again? She never once thought about cheating on you and you hurt her. You gotta make things right because I don't want our family to be split up

Charm: me either

Oliver: I promise y'all, I will fix things

(Charmaine walks in through the back door )

Orlando; hey mama

Charmaine: hi baby

Charm: dad mad cheese burgers and fries, pretty good

Charmaine: that's good baby, enjoy

Oliver pov: Charmaine walked right pass me and went upstairs. Her face was so red and swollen and I could tell she been crying so much. Damn I really fucked up. I told the kids to finish their food and I went upstairs to our room to talk to her.

Oliver: can we talk please?

Charmaine: you were supposed to be gone when I got back

Oliver: I'm not leaving char. We need to fix this. Please baby don't give up on us (grabs her hand)

Charmaine: snatches away) either you leave or I will. I need space Oliver. I just- I need to think right now

Oliver:(Sighs) I'll go

Oliver pov; I packed a couple things and then left out the room. I went and told the kids bye and then left. I'm fighting for my marriage so hard , so I'm going to respect her wishes and give her some time alone.

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