19 year old Oliver Shaw, a young church boy, with a good head on his shoulders slowly falls in love with a strung out teen mom while trying to lead her to a healthier path.
Chloe pov; these last few weeks have been okay. My mama was right nobody knew what happened except Chris and Alicia. Everybody else just thought I was sick and that's why I wasn't at school. My mama dropped me off and I went inside and straight to my locker. Then my bestfriend Alicia walked over to me. I've been avoiding her since the situation happened because I should've listened to her.
Alicia: hi
Alicia: how you feeling?
Chloe; sighs) I'm trying to get better. I still dream about it
Alicia: im sorry you had to experience that
Chloe: I should've listened to you. Im sorry
Alicia: I called your mama when I saw something wasn't right. I was trying to protect you
Chloe; I appreciate you for that. I swear I do. You're a real bestfriend
Alicia; we been friends for years now. I always got you back
Chloe:(hugs her) thank you licia
Alicia: no problem, ready to go to class?
Chloe: yeah (closes her locker )
Alicia: did you see the group chat?
Chloe; nah I haven't been on my phone lately, what happened?
Alicia: Andrea, just came out. She said she is a lesbian. She thought we all would be mad
Chloe: I mean we could tell she was attracted to girls
Alicia: true but she said she switching up her appearance
Andrea:(walks up behind them) hey y'all
Alicia: turns around) Andrea ?
Chloe: wow, you look nice
Andrea: thank you (smiles)
Alicia: no lie I would date you (laughs)
Andrea:(laughs) I look that good? You got very high standards
Chloe; you look more comfortable, how you feel?
Andrea: I feel good, like I can be myself finally
Alicia: how your parents feel?
Andrea: my dad cool with it , mama tripping tho
Chloe: don't worry about her just do what makes you happy
Alicia: aye yall I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll meet y'all there
Chloe: ok
(Alicia walks off)
Andrea:how are you though?Alicia told me what happened
Chloe: sighs) she wasn't supposed to tell nobody
Andrea: don't be mad at her, I kept pressing the issue. I wanted to make sure you were okay
Chloe: I'm trying to get over it, it's rough, but I'm making it
Andrea:(nods) well I'm here if you ever need to cry or vent. You know I got your back
Chloe:(smiles) thank you
Chloe pov; Andrea my bestfriend to, I've known her since 6th grade and she real cool. She used to live in Tennessee before they moved here to Georgia. Her mama is the English teacher at the middle school my mama works at. Out of our whole little friend group Alicia and her the only two I trust for real. I can tell them anything.
( Chloe)
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