Hello Brother!

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As the second door is unlocked by Max, we scatter in direction as decided earlier as I ascend the stairs my watch chimes, my eyes widen reading the message I just received I hear Slaiman and Max swear through the earpiece and I exactly knew what it is for or shall I say who it was for. 'Be down in 5. You do not have to go all forces in for your sister' was the message we received

"Lounge" I informed before I discarded my earpiece. I put back the safety of my gun and descend the stairs.

I sight Max and Slaiman walk back to the lounge area as I make myself on the couch, Max occupies a seat beside me while Slaiman walks to the kitten. "Why is she here? And most importantly when did she get back so early?" "I have no idea" I was beyond annoyed, I had to leave my princess just because the supposed 'Breach' was none other than our sister.

"Will you grace us with your presence? Or do you want me to pull your ass down here?" Slaiman's voice thundered after he took a sip from his freshly grabbed bottle from the kitchen. He walks past the couch passing me and Max one bottle each and occupies the armchair.

While I emptied the content in the bottle down my throat, from the corner of my eye I saw a figure walking down "Sorry to keep you waiting. The shower took longer than expected. If I knew you guys would be so quick, I would have asked for some pizza for me on your way hear" she spoke nervously before settling between me and Max pouting with her puppy eyes. That made me realize she is trying to do the damage control getting me and Max on her side as soon as she realized Slaiman was beyond furious right now. I just chuckled at her childishness.

"Starving, huh. Do you have...." I cut Slaiman "So much so for meeting your brothers after 6 months. No hello, or how are you brother? Not even a hug" I spoke acting hurt, I can hear Slaiman growl from the armchair. And that's when she engulfed me in a hug "I missed you so so much brother" "And that is the only reason for making your brothers go commando thinking it's a security breach?" she just put her tongue out mischievously and release me from the hug and faced Max.

"Stupid" Max said before pulling her for a hug "Missed you too" she tried to act hurt with his comment earlier, but she knew Max did not mean it. And then she shifted nervously and from the corner of her eye, she pleaded with me to help with her furious brother sitting on the armchair.

But next second Slaiman pulled our sister from her seat and engulfed her in a bear hug "I am sorry" she managed to squeeze the words out of her mouth "You should be. You put your brothers on their toes the day one of your arrival, huh" he huffed chuckling. I and Max joined shaking our heads. Only she can manage to put the anger of her brothers to the bay.

"So, why are you early? you basically fought with us three when we denied your request to be there 3 months more after your exams are done with" I enquired about her sudden arrival but she just winked at me "To surprise my brothers" I raised my brows not convinced but pushed my thought to the curb for now.

"You need to up your securities at Black Royals brother" she spoke to Slaiman, he narrowed his eyes questionably, so she continued "Because I have been in my suite since Sunday night and no one even noticed it" she explained "WHAT" me, Max and Slaiman exclaimed. Slaiman shot up from his seat "Tamyra Black, you were here since Sunday and today is when you decided to come and see your brothers after 2 freaking whole days" I doubt if he questioned it because it sounded more like a statement to me. Myra squirmed on her seat nervously due to Slaiman's outburst.

"How is that possible? I checked your location yesterday and it showed otherwise. Why can I not get to your location today?" Slaiman bombarded her with questions one after the other. "Spider" came her quick reply, answering all his questions. That computer geek might have helped her to dodge her signals.

"And may I know how exactly did you contact him?" I enquired her before Slaiman lose it all. He is currently pacing around blabbing string of curses at Spider. She shifted in her seat and I narrow my eyes at her "YOU DID NOT" Max roared beside her. My and Slaiman's eyes shot at him.

"A few days back she called asking for Spider's contact details saying she wanted to get through the computer of some girl to help her friend. If I knew it would bite us back..." he defended himself chucking at his stupidity. "Sorry" Myra voiced out whispering.

"Is there anything more we should know about?" Slaiman spat back. Myra shakes her head in a no but as soon as she meets Slaiman's eyes she speaks up "This dumb head of a woman thought I was cheating with her boyfriend so she decides to do me wrong but I might or might not have trapped her in her own doing" she shrugged and slumped more into the couch "Now can you get me some food? I am starving" and all of us burst into laughter. Our little courageous sister she is.

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