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I could hear the beeping and feel various things attached to my fingers and wrists, I groaned trying to open my eyes but failed the harsh light making it difficult. Someone rubbed my cheeks; I could hear whispering but could not understand anything I decided to open my eyes one more time only to have dimmer light time and a hand shielding my eyes "There you go princess, open those eyes my love. Nice and slow" now I can recognize that voice anywhere, my lips tugged in a smile as I moved my head to see his face. He returned me a smile bringing his lips towards me and leaving a peck on my cheeks. But I must agree he looked devasted, his hair all ruffled, clothes wrinkled his eyes looking as if they have not been closed for a while.

"Hi there princess, how are you feeling?" he asked tucking a few strands of my hairs

I tried to answer him but my throat felt dry as a desert, I opened my mouth but could not say a word. Edward would have understood it because he immediately helped me get up carefully making sure not to hurt me and helped me drink water. I gulped the whole glass of water humming in satisfaction

"Easy there princess" I could hear him chuckle, I am so dammed in love with his smiling face. Later he called the doctor to check up on me, they took off the things attached to my wrists. I answered a few questions they asked but they never told me what happened to me and why was I there. As the doctors left the room I scooted a little and patted my bed for Edward to get in with me, he got in and I rest my head on his chest finding a comfortable place, he draped his arms over me hugging me closer to his body.

After a few minutes of silence, I finally asked him "What happened to me? How long has it been?"

He did not answer me immediately, I twisted my head upwards at him only to see his jaw clutching and eyes filled with rage "Talk to me baby" I palmed his cheek gently then rubbed his cheek with the back of my hands.

His eyes soften as soon as they meet mine "I am so sorry princess, I dragged you into this mess" he said

What is he talking about "What do you mean?"

"You have been out since yesterday. Being in and out of consciousness all morning today" he took a deep breath "You were poisoned by Jowar's men"

"What?" I could not breathe, my hands paused on his cheek. He took my palm in his and rubbed circles on the back of my hand, his other arm around me tightens bringing me back to reality

"Ho...w is that possib...sible....when..ho...w?" many thoughts run through my mind, thinking of possibilities of when and how I could have been poisoned but nothing made sense because there was security with us every time. Then my eyes widen as I remembered something, I looked towards Edward and he nodded confirming my doubts

"The lady at the airport" I stated, there was no doubt, she was the one to poison me. The cut I ignored was her injecting me. A shiver ran through me thinking about it.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door to my room opened, instinctively I tighten my grip on Edward's palm but relaxed as soon as I saw Lee, Toff enter my room, Alex, Max and Myra tailing behind

"Get down EJ, you have been with her all night. Let us see our friend" Toff said swatting his arm

"No" I wined but let him get out of the bed just so that Lee and Toff can sit with me, as soon as they sat they pulled me in a hug making me wince a little

"You are not allowed to make us this worried, you b***h" Lee whispered the last words in my ears making me laugh

"Let the girl breath, will you?" Slaiman said as he entered the room, making Toff huff and make funny faces mocking him, her back to him.

"Wanna do that again turning around" Slaiman said raising his eyebrow, Toff's eye widen but she turned around with a pout and I bet with the best puppy eyes she could pull. It always makes me smile when I see Toff and Slaiman argue and grumble cutely. He walked to the edge of the bed and kissed her pout before turning his attention to me

"How are you feeling now?" he turned Toff around so that she was now facing me, Slaiman snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest, his knuckles looked brucied but I know better than to question. Toff took my one hand in hers and rubbed circles on it.

"Good. My head hurts, but good" I answered him, but my eyes searched for Edwards only to find him looking at me with regret

"I am truly sorry Anna, I should have been more careful. I did put my best security with you guys but guess that was not enough" every word Max said was filled with regret. I have no doubt when he says he did his best and never will, I assured him telling him the same and hugging him to let him know I never have and never will consider him accountable for what happened with me.

Myra and Alex hugged me offering their kind word for my swift recovery and well-being, Alex being the gentleman he is, got me a huge bouquet of flowers taunting the other boys making them roll their eyes at him

We all talked for hours, even though I was in and outof the conversations taking naps in between. At some point everyone dispersed around the room, currently Edward and I as in my bed with Lee on the other end of it, Slaiman on the couch with Toff on his lap, Myra was on the same couch with them keeping her distance from them and comenting on thier PDA, Max on a chair near the window and Alex has left 30 minutes ago do some work

"Dinner is here" I heard someone open the door and Alex walked in with a bag.

"And we should take your leave" as soon as Slaiman said that everyone in the room except Edward said their goodbye

"I have had enough for today, I do not wish to go with SLaiman and Toff in the same car. Can I drive with you home brother?" Myra asked Alex

"Remember I drove with Max" he said

"I'll switch with you, please" she said looking at Max who was smirking

"Oh... so someone wants to sit in my car eagerly" Max said grinning

"You wish, now show me where you Asston is parked" everyone in the room burst out laughing, Max's grin disappeared and he mumbled something following her out of the room along with the reset

"Make sure you eat everything I have brought for you," Alex said making me whine because for sure there will be some vegetables in it.

He pulled me closer and whispered, there is a mango cheesecake for me a desert. Pecking me on my cheeks he left the room grinning saying goodbye to me and Edward

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