Spill the beans-Part 1

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The ride back to hotel is filled with dreading silence. I am sitting here fidgeting with my fingers, from the corner of my eye I could see Toffee sitting all calm and composed but I know better she is basically on the borderline of an outburst. I know Lee has questions too, she is currently typing something on her phone she has been doing that from the moment we boarded the car. I know how Toff can behave like a caveman when it comes to Lee and me and truth be spoken, I am terrified right now. Me not telling them about a boy I meet is like breaking an unsaid treaty.

As soon as I scanned my keycard and stepped my foot in and about to walk upstairs, I heard the calmest voice of Toff I have ever heard in 22 years of my existence "Running away are we now?" I clenched my eyes close and muttered curses before turning back to answer her but Lee spoke first "Not now Toff. Let's freshen up and get changed first. You guys can crash my room in the next 20 minutes" she walked past Toff and held my hand in hers and dragged me upstairs. Looking over my shoulders I could see Toff shaking her head huffing while her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Lee gave my hand a little squeeze smiling before ushering me into my room. I muttered a small thank you and kissed her cheeks before locking the door. I am really thankful to her for doing this because I genuinely need a moment for myself before I come clean to them. I have so many questions myself right now. I have meet EJ literally yesterday that too under not so normal circumstances, I know no details about him other than his name and that he might own some business.

This might be one of the longest showers I have ever taken, my mind kept bugging me with numerous questions but the loudest of them all was 'Why does it feel right?' the way I melt into his touches, the butterflies I get in the pit of my stomach when he kisses me. I have never experienced such a strange but familiar feeling with any of my guy friends around me. As I was brushing my teeth near the sink, I noticed the redness on my neck where he bit me earlier it was not noticeable but when looked on closely you could see the redness. I moved my fingers over the redness, i blushed reliving that moment.

I was in Lee's room sitting on the edge of the bed one leg crossed over other again fidgeting with my fingers, Lee walked out of her washroom in comfy clothes and walked to the bedside table, and plugged in her phone to the charger. She was still typing something on her phone every few seconds or so she scrunched her face taking a pause or a deep breath before resuming to do what she was doing earlier.

"Any problem?" I questioned her worried "Huh" her attention was still on her phone so I repeated it myself "Any problem? You have been stabbing your phone since our ride home" "Uh...ha...nothing. It's just my cousin I am talking to" I am not convinced with her answer at all but right now I have my own matters to take care of so I make a mental note to question her later.

"So spill it girl" Toff's voice brought our attention as she walked in and sat adjacent to Lee on the other end of the bed, her back on the headboard. Their complete attention on me. Okay so here goes noting and took a deep breath before I spill my guts out 

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