Going on the trip

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"Dude, I can't believe we are going on a trip," I said crashing on my bed.

"Finally, your parents agreed!!" Bailee exclaimed rolling her eyes.

"Yes, it felt like a mission to convince your parents. Pff" Toffee said shrugging her shoulder as she sat on the green couch to the right where I was lying on the bed.

"Let's get started with the itinerary, shall we?" Bailee said will pacing back and forth in my room. Well, she is the most organized one among the three of us. She always likes things to be perfect no matter what.

"What's there to plan about? We just go with the flow. OK. I have an idea let's throw darts on the map and wherever it lands, that is where we are going!" Toff said with excitement, I swear I saw some light in her eyes as she said that, thinking as if she came up with the most brilliant idea in the world.

I and Lee were shocked at what we heard; I moved my gaze towards Lee only to find her eyes on me. We gave each other confused looks as if figuring out what to say next, I saw Toff was already doing something on my laptop which was on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Umm....that does not sound like a good plan. My parents would never agree if that lands on some random location and we will have to kiss goodbye to the opportunity I just got" I said standing up from my bed almost pleading Toff.

But she royally ignored me, just stood from her place and moved towards my printer, took the newly printed paper, and pinned it on the dartboard with some glue. Next, she brought my and Lee's hand in her as she held a dart in her right hand, so now we three were holding the dart at the same time. I and Lee just stood there watching her do all of that.

"I don't agree with this idea. There are many possibilities it might land on the deserts, and I don't want to be wondering there for days" Lee said furiously. One can feel her steaming with anger across the room.

"What if it lands on the sea, are we going to spend our holidays on a ship like pirates" I laughed at my own joke, Toff joined me while Lee stared at us. Well, I tried my best to calm her down, because deep down this idea of choosing our destination made me feel thrilled.

"Come on guys, I am sure it will land on a fun destination and not on a dessert or the sea" Toff tried her shot to calm the furious Lee.

"Let's try it once Lee if we don't like the destination, we can always shoot another one or choose it the regular way" I butted to help Toff.

"FINE" Lee uttered between her teeth.

"On the count of three, we throw this dart alright? 1,2,3" Toff screamed almost deafening our ears.

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