I am spider

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I was on Edwards's lap sitting on his chair in his office after dinner, for some reason Edward, Slaiman, and Lee appeared to be tensed. We have been sitting in this room for 10 minutes now.

Our chair was facing the couch where Toff was on Slaiman's lap and Alex on the other end of the couch, Myra was in a chair on the other side of the table that Edward and I occupied, and Lee sat on the chair adjacent to the couch fidgeting with her fingers on her lap and Alex had a constant grin on his face plastered leaning on the window which was between the table and the couch. The silence was irking me however Edward was not ready to answer my questioning gaze

From the corner of my eye, I saw Toff doing the same to Slaiman, however, she was getting impatient.

"What's this about?" Toff said out loud as she did not get any answers from Slaiman looking at me for a second and then roaming her eyes around the room and then looking back at Slaiman for answers

"I am Spider" Lee blurted out; I was in utter confusion

"Holy shit!!" "No shit!!" Myra and Alex screamed simultaneously; shock evident on their face as their mouth stayed open

"Language" Slaiman roared, making everyone in the room roll their eyes

"Wanna do that again" Slaiman nudged his chin on Toff's shoulder, and her eyes widen. Even if she was sitting with her back to his front, he had to know she had indeed done that. He knew her like the back of his palms, smirking at her flustered face he glared at the rest of us

I meet Toff's eyes; we both were confused by what Lee said "What am I missing here?" I voiced our confusion

"The hacker, Spider. It's me" Lee said looking at me and Toff but immediately went back to looking down at her lap

"Oh My God!!" as if realization dawned on Toff, her eyes widen she was trying to get up from Slaiman's lap but he tightened his hold around her waist "Babe" he called for her whispering something in her ears to which Toff huffed and snorted.

"Care to explain why are you doing such a dangerous job?" Toff's question was directed toward Lee. Anger evident in her voice or should I say fear?

Lee meet her eyes and then looked at me and then again at Toff "It's not dangerous, no one knows about my identity. For all, they care I am some computer geek with my eyes on the screen and my figures on the keyboard who can gather intel and manage to pull some tricks. And it is thrilling I must add" she grinned at the end

"You say gathering intel for Mafia and call hacking and altering CCTV around the whole city some tricks?" Alex exaggerated the last two words of his sentence quote and unquoting them with his middle finger and forefinger of both hands

"Daam girl. I wish I had a brain like your's" Myra said sheepishly to Lee

"What am I missing here?" this time it was me who asked this question, everyone seems to understand what Lee said but if I was confused earlier well you should see my brain tangled in questions and more questions now

"She is the hacker who works with my Mafia. More like gather intel for us for our missions and keeps our handy work off the CCTV record around the city or wherever it is necessary and much more" Edward cleared my confusion

I froze the hacker who works with Mafia, one who helps Edwards and his Mafia on missions, one who taps into CCTV to make sure my Edward is safe during the missions, and also the one who found out about the lady who drugged me at the airport

Edward did tell me about their hacker Spider who found out how I was drugged. A shiver runs down my spine, what if they found out about Lee they will do the same...no not my friend...no not Lee

"Princess" Edward cupped my cheeks bringing me out of my thoughts

"How...how did you get yourself into this mess, Lee. It's dangerous. What if someone found out? What if...what if"

"Rihanna, breath" I heard someone say, if I am not wrong the voice belonged to Edward. I felt someone wrap their hands around me except Edward

"Look at me love, see everything is fine. Look Lee is just here with us, holding you. See" He said

"Lee?" I tried to look at the person hugging me, but it turned out to be a blurry image

"Hey there, don't cry now. I am just behind the screen hundreds and thousands of miles away from harm's reach. And after all, have faith in your smart friend of yours, I am not some sloppy wanna-be hacker, I have practiced, learned, and evolved over the years you cannot be underestimating your friend's ability now, are you?" She said the last few words questioning me dramatically.

"Years? How long have you been doing this sh...ouch. Yes, language I know" Toff scoffed glaring at Slaiman over her shoulder as he pinched her before she could curse

"Well, it started when I was 13 and I saw my cousin do something and then I practiced on the computer father brought me soon after I turned 14, at the age of 16 I was well mastered and let's just say after that I just kept on getting better" she grinned, pride of her skills evident on her face

"And trust me when I say, she is the best. I mean it" Edward stated confidently praising her.

I whipped my head around to look at Edward accusingly "And how long have you known about her?" I narrowed my eyes at him

His face fell, closing his eyes for a moment he opened them again before answering me "We have known Spider for 3 years now. However, Lee came clean about her identity to me just before you guys left the city, Slaiman and Alex got to know about her later and before you come at me for not telling you, it is not a secrete of mine to talk about"

I looked back at Lee, toff was behind her. I got up from Edward's lap and stood there and hugged Lee, Toff joined us

"Just be careful, okay?" I said to Lee, to which she smiled

"Always, I mean it. I don't want you getting in trouble because trust me Mafia or not I will f***ing beat the shit out of anyone who comes at you. Mafia or not. Period." Toff added making Slaiman huffing

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