Spill the beans-Part 2

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I took a deep breath and began "Well...I meet Edward yesterday during our time of shopping" Lee's face filled with confusion whereas Toff's eyes narrowed as if saying 'You better not lie. We were with you all time long' I took another deep breath before blurting out "Hekindofbargedintomyfittingroom" Toff lost her patience at this point due to lack of my ability to explain her and she burst out "Speak loud and clear Anna. I need an explanation. Why is there a random guy who I have never ever seen or heard of to be known to you just walks up to my best friend and asks her to talk in private while we are literally on unfamiliar land at some club and you my dear friend walks away with him without a second thought?" she said the last part pointing fingers at me starring right into my eyes.

"Hear her out first Toff, don't go all caveman over her. I am sure she might know him" Lee nodded her head towards me urging me to continue.

"He barged into my fitting room yesterday......" I then narrated the whole story to them from yesterday and our time at the club.

"You had your first kiss yesterday" Lee questioned wiggling her brows mischievously but it sounded more like a statement. I just nodded my head shyly.

"What is his name again?" Toff made the lite environment serious again "Edward James"

"What business does he do?" I was quite not sure about the answer.

"When are you meeting that handsome again?" she asked me trying to act serious but I know better

"He shall let me know soon" I answered her dropping my back to the mattress relieved that my friends are not disappointed in me anymore. Truthfully speaking they never were, just felt left out of the details about my life. The bed on either side dipped indicating they have lied down now and this was the moment I decided to question Lee

"So want to spill your beans, Lee? What were you doing on your phone and do not tell me the crappy reason ' talking to my cousin' I know you were not" I gave her a side glance narrowing my eyes

"Okay, I surrender," she said raising he hands in the air "I was looking up Edward, just to do a quick bgc about him" (bgc, is basically our term for a background check. As for why we have a term for that you will know it later)

"And," I asked interested "We know he is Edward James, but he is freaking CEO of the fashion house Myra, completed his education from Oxford University he has two siblings and a friend who is more like a brother to him. They meet each other in the year 2015 and have been together ever since. His parents had a major accident back in 2017, his father passed away on their way to the hospital but their mother took her last breath after a week of the accident. And...." She stopped her rumbling as she realized my and Toff's gaze on her with 'How do you know so much' face

"It's all up on... the internet guys... and the social... media he uses" she replied stammering.

"Okay, anything more? Anything I should be concerned about?" I questioned.

"Nah...he is a cool guy with a good background" she answered.

"Thank you for doing that Lee and I am sorry for keeping a secrete," I said squeezing their hand's with mine before letting it go and standing up from the bed.

"Let's sleep now, you guys are up for a surprise tomorrow" Toff said and flee to her room leaving me and Lee confused

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