Are you the bad guy?

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My head hurt like hell, I felt like someone's hammering nails into my head. I fidgeted to move around but realized I could not move, I shot my eyes open only to find myself sleeping on Edward my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist our legs mingled in each other while my hand rested on his biceps using them as my pillow. I admired his handsome face for a while before my headache began to torture me, I squirmed in his embrace and that seemed to wake him up.

"Good morning princess" he gave me a kiss on my head looking down on me, he pulled me by my waist until our face was inches apart our lips nearly touching and then we heard a loud noise, Edwards's watch buzzed his eyes widen as soon as he saw whatever it was on the watch.

He jolted up grabbing the ear piece from his bedside table and pushing it into his ear, he pressed few buttons on his watch before he yanked me to my feet hurrying out of his room. My eye widens when I realized he had a gun in his hands. when did he get that? I questioned myself

"Get everyone to the basement" he spoke to someone over the earpiece

"No, no one engages. Max get Alex and Lee; I will get Myra"

"What is happening? What are the loud noises?" It did not take me long to register that the loud noises I was hearing was nothing but the gun firings "Are...Are those...gun firing?" I froze at my place

"Shit. I need to get to my sister princess; I will explain you later. Now let's go come-on" he tugged me

"Lee and Toff. You have to get them"

"Max and Slaiman's got them" he said as we entered one of the rooms "Myra. Myra. Hell, Myra where are you?" Edward yelled but got no response, he pulled me along with him as he searched the room, closet and the washroom

"F**k" he roared before he pressed the earpiece again "Myra's missing I am getting Anna to the basement"

He literally made me run to the basement through various doors which opened from inside the walls to lead to one room after another, after passing few rooms he halted in his tracks before scanning his finger print on the invisible scanner which looked like a wall and the door opened and I saw Lee, Toff and Alex. Max had a gun in his hands

"Princess, stay here don't come out what so ever, understood?" He said to me in much urgency and passed a quick kiss before turning to Max "Do NOT leave them unguarded" Max nodded

"I have to go princess, I won't take too long I promise" with that said he rubbed his knuckle over my cheeks before he locked the door to my face, locking me and the others in the room he called basement

I turned to my friends, they hugged each other comforting one another, surprisingly I was clam and composed. I walked to Lee and Toff and covered them in hug.

"Will he be fine?" I eyed the gun in Max's hand and then looked at him, he was confident and that reflected in his eyes as he gave me nod

"Do you guys want something to drink?" Alex came up to us with some water bottles, that's when I looked at the room carefully. It was a fully furnished room with all the amenities, like they knew this room could be put to use.

I have no idea how long we have been in here, but finally the door I entered from creaked Max had his gun pointed towards the door ready to take action if needed.

However, that was not need because Edwards's figure came in sight followed by Slaiman's and then Myra, all three had guns in their hands.

"Now that was an unexpected morning" Myra said taking a seat beside me on the couch closing her eyes after she placed her gun on the table in front of us

"We need to get you guys out of here" Slaiman said, he tried to get to Toff but I hold her tight

"Explain" I need answers and I needed them NOW. I was not letting me and my friend to get into some dirty business.

"We can do that later, first I need to get you guys out of here" I scoffed at what Slaiman said, turning my eyes to Edward

"Princess" "Don't you princess me" I chuckled sarcastically

"You guys walk around with guns? You have basements ready to hide with numerous hidden passages to get here, what are you guys mafia?" I looked over every person who had guns in their hand in the room, I saw Myra readjusting in her seat rubbing her forehead with her hands and her eyes opened to look over to her bothers 

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